Top 10 Worst Fire Emblem Villains

Published 2023-08-19
With the best Classic and Modern Fire Emblem villains out of the way, let's cover some of the series' worst villains from both ends!
Top 15 Classic Villains :    • Top 15 Classic Fire Emblem Villains  
Top 10 Modern Villains :    • Top 10 Modern Fire Emblem Villains  

Footage Credits:

Shadow Dragon & New Mystery of the Emblem:
Chi Montana
blue asian

Gaiden & Echoes:
Chi Montana

Geneaology & Thracia 776:
Chi Montana
Eiffel Shadow
Collector Togami
Diogo Jorge

Binding Blade:
Chi Montana

Blazing Sword:
Chi Montana
Timji Saeki

Sacred Stones:
Chi Montana

Path of Radiance:
Collector Togami

Raidant Dawn:
Chi Montana
Sirus Gaming Spot

Chi Montana
Kevin JGaming

Chi Montana

Frederick Vandoren

Three Houses:
Yic17 Studio

Three Hopes:
Faz Faz
Naughty Gaming


All Comments (21)
  • @lagspike7763
    Grima being Robin makes sense because the only thing that could realistically pose a threat to you in awakening is another Robin lol
  • @hilgigas09
    Am I alone in thinking Garon would have worked if he was genuinely kind to his children and subjects? If Corrin discovering the horrors he visits upon Hoshido causes the Branch of Fates. I also think removing the Agarthans from Three Houses makes it a tragedy, of an immortal failing to maintain order on the continent and all attempts to fix it led to further deterioration. The Wars, partition, ethnic cleansings, and the crest experiments would all be the acts of human hatred and greed, thing Rhea fails to control or understand. VW, SS, and AM would be the story of a more suitable successor, hopefully, bringing a brighter future. CF would be all of her failures coming back to bite her with the rise of a revolutionary conqueror.
  • @mtj8870
    Sov giving grima more lore in 20 minutes than awakening does in 20 hours
  • @hour236
    What really annoys about the Agarthans is that you have to play two games and SEVEN routes to be able to understand them fully. I had to play through all of the routes of Three houses AND Three hopes to get a slight understanding of them. Definitely agreeing with that Nemesis carried them.
  • @sarasaland4709
    You know a man is serious about FE Villains when he uses El Dorado to showcase points,.
  • @sarasaland4709
    Something else worth mentioning is how once Jeritza is playable, the Death Knight stuff is completely irrelevant. He doesn’t even have any talk with Manuela over what happened in Part 1. Jeritza is well fleshed out and a great character. But the Death Knight ultimately doesn’t matter much. Least he’s a badass overpowered bastard in Crimson Flower.
  • You forgot to bring up Anankos' backstory, and how it's behind a paywall.
  • @ejirokirishima4604
    Intelligent system needs to stop doing these morally grey stories if they arent ready to actually show these stories as morally grey. Fates and 3H had very good core ideas but they werent ready to commit to that idea.
  • @ShadowOrochi1377
    Something about Ludveck is that in the extended script of Radiant Dawn, he’s more fleshed out which hurts his development because IS really cut him down of characterization in the localized scripted.
  • @gingerkays7362
    Since we never find out what happened to Ludvek after Part 2, it’s my personal head cannon that he was hanged on the same gallows his followers nearly executed Lucia on
  • @samkeiser9776
    Grima is misused, he’s like a Kaiju, but they tried to give him some kind of philosophy, but he’s just… a cynical nihilistic asshole. “Your besties are meaningless.” -Grima Grima could’ve had no dialogue and would have been the same. If they had made Grima a thematic monster, maybe he’d have been better. Imagine if Robin learned they were a vessel of Grima way earlier in the story, and it really shocks them, Robin gets cynical and depressed about it. Chrom is like, bestie, we can beat anything because I believe in the power of S support pair ups. And Robin starts being optimistic because Chrom is their optimistic bestie. When at the end of the game, they actually do fight Grima, Grima thematically represents the dread and cynical mindset robin felt when they had accepted their doomed fate, and them literally beating Grima becomes thematic to them beating that cynicism. Robin could learn they’re a vessel of Grima right when they go to plegia to ask for their ships, Validar could be like “btw, you better take care of yourself my child because you’re a vessel of Grima. And the heir to the plegian throne, because you’re my child and will be our god so…” And so Chrom helping Robin’s character growth after Robin gets depressed about it would tie into Robin and Chrom as “two-halfs of a whole.” Because Robin helped Chrom through his sadness after Emmeryn dies. Maybe along the way in Valm Robin regains their memories of being raised in Plegia, and maybe they remember something that makes them want to save Plegia, like their mother’s kindness. Or normal people in the grimleal that are good people. And robin’s ties to Plegia actually end up mattering thematically Maybe the reason the Grimleal are evil isn’t because They like big evil dragons, but because they have some kind of prophecy of Grima’s revival from way back when he died, and their religion is about accepting their fate to be destroyed by an evil dragon, furthering the idea of grima as the big cynicism dragon. Robin and Chrom go to validar to be like “we can change fate and kill grima.” And validar is like “no that’s blasphemy, we have to accept our fates.” The plot ensues like normal until validar is defeated, but then Grima presumably possesses robin into attacking chrom, but he survives, because power of friendship, robin weakened the lightning. Grima fails to possess Robin As Grima can’t control robin, Validar decides to be his vessel instead, Grima is revived and maybe weaker and/or unstable, but still a threat, they kill him the end. In the epilogue, Robin becomes the ruler of Plegia, and Chrom of Ylisse, but they stay besties. Making the relationship between both Chrom and Robin play into both character’s growth. Why didn’t I mention lucina, or future grima? because in this story there is no time travel. Or emmyryn assassination plot. (Literally the only thing lucina changes besides emmyryn’s assassination is Basilio surviving, and he can just… survive.) if they need a reason for Emmeryn to move from the capital, it can just be plegian assassins that want to kill/capture her because gangriel is an ass. Maybe it’s a little cheesy, maybe it’s a little fan-fictiony, but personally I like the idea of the relationship between chrom and robin actually mattering thematically beyond Chrom being like “we’re such besties that we can change fate.” I think it also improves the grimleal because validar becomes sort of like Jedah, he’s a planner who wants nothing more than to make sure that his religious ideology is upheld, and Aversa defecting could be because she gains hope that Grima can lose, (and could actually happen during the real story.) and maybe they could tie her into Robin’s childhood memories, or have her show up in Valm to fight alongside the Yiless army initially to spy on them and then because their ideology rubs off on her, she defects from the grimleal, (before or after betraying them by helping validar.)
  • Grima is a character I really love and is probably my favorite FE villain, but that’s because of FEH, cipher and the DLC of shadows of Valentia. If we were to base around solely around Awakening and that only… then yeah, Grima is one of the worst villains in FE. I feel like if they explained more about Grima’s story and motivations instead of just keeping it hidden, it would made Grima’s final confrontation all the more fantastic. Maybe Grima could have explained to Robin about how mankind is hypocritical and how greedy they are for power like how they did in FEH. Anankos is another character I like, but i really wish they gave him more screen time and maybe even give him a few interactions with Garon and him controlling him. It may have even improved Garon a bit, but alas. It’s fates.
  • @golemofwill4728
    Garon really needed a moment where his former non corrupted and non possessed self shined through, either with a flashback or after you finally best him, because currently he really is a nothing character.
  • @zephon6745
    I view Anankos and the Garon we meet as the same being. Anankos is controlling Garon's corpse to act as his puppet. The real Garon never appears alive in Fates. So I think that we could had a better written King villain than a corpse if Garon was alive rather than a dragon puppet vessel.
  • @Hyper_Drud
    Sombron’s dragon form looks like a giant remobra from the Monster Hunter series.
  • @Scar-to8by
    I would liked to see more of Past Alear story, know what happened with his/her brothers and sisters, and learn more about Sombron and the Divine Dragons. Maybe this would had helped to improve Sombron´s and Lumera´s character.
  • @Kpimpmaster
    I remember an idea I had for Fates where Corrin insisted of picking sides they turn into their dragon form and fly back and tries to kill Garon in the hopes that Xander would make a peace with Ryoma but Corrin gets killed and Lilith sacrifices herself so Corrin doesn’t end up being controlled by Anankos and Corrin discovers they can free others from Anankos’s control and starts forming and army to fight against it while Xander had overheard Garon confessing to using Corrin to kill the Hoshidos and the four siblings realize their father has lost what’s left of his sanity and they need to kill Garon to for the good of Nohr and recruit both the Resistance and the Hoshido to ultimately kill Garon
  • Well to be honest Count, at least the "Power of Friendship" makes sense in Fire Emblem Engage, the same can't be said for Sonic Forces
  • @ajh22895
    The worst part about Plegia is that the first half of the story is actually quite interesting. They are seen as evil because they have power and are opposed to Ylisse. But they are avenging the actions of Chrom's father who tried to genocide them.