China's NEW Giant Infantry Vehicle is a Nightmare

Publicado 2023-04-28
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To put this into a barney style context that even I can comprehend. Modern infantry fighting vehicles of the past 4 decades usually range from merely 18.7 tons like the Russian made BMP-3, up to a modest 43 tons with the German Puma IFV. However, the VN-20 stands in a weight-class all its own. At 50 tons, the VN-20 is one of, if not the heaviest infantry fighting vehicle in the world.

Video Edited By: Michael Michaelides
Written By: Chris Cappy and Patrick Griffin

I mean just look at this image for scale of a human standing next to the giant towering creature. Us short kings would need a booster seat and a step ladder just to get into it. But what do you really get in return for all that extra lbs. The vehicle has room for 3 crew to work the insane number of weapon systems plus 6 dismounted Chinese infantry soldiers in the rear compartment who are ready to rock. This is when it dawned on me. When looking at its specifications and capabilities the VN-20 we’re looking at shock trooper vehicle. This thing is meant for assault offensive take ground operations meant to punch through stubborn defensive lines.

But this extra armor and weapons creates major trade offs. One of the possible limitations with the heavier standard weight could limit the VN-20 from adding additional armor and weapon packages in the future. Although I’m not sure what extra armor you could possibly hope to toss on there. According to reports allegedly it’s equipped with Level 6 STANAG 4569 rated armor which means it can stop incoming 30mm cannon rounds so the American’s bradley would bounce right off it essentially. Allegedly, allegedly!

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @Taskandpurpose
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  • Whoever designed that thing is DEFINITELY an Imperial Guard Warhammer 40k player.
  • @xiphoid2011
    Wait, that giant maus of an IFV carries only 6 soldiers? I was thinking it must at least carry 12 to 15.
  • @Jim17724
    The problem with it is that it is not designed for self use, but for selling abroad (you can guess to who by looking at the camouflage). The buyers don't lack money. The Pla is equipping the 04a at the moment and is having a new type soon
  • @EcnalKcin
    This reminds me of an army story my dad told me that he got from a buddy that was there. Apparently, some years ago, there was an initiative to turn an Apache into an electronic warfare vehicle. The original design called for a modest system suite, and someone higher up in the command structure liked it and approved it. However, word got around of what the project's intent was, and that it had been approved already. Pretty soon all the senior R&D officers with any pull on the base were having their own pet systems added on to it. Everything from signal monitoring, to radar jamming equipment. Then the big day came. A bunch of generals came down from Washington to see the initial test flight. So they powered up the Apache...and brought it full power...and it couldn't lift off the tarmac. They had put so many systems on it that they had exceeded it's maximum lift capacity. The end result was a scathing memo regarding changes to approved designs, and a lesson for everyone of what design by committee actually looks like.
  • @ZearthGJL
    One thing to note is that with the weight of the vehicle, it'll be limited by which bridges can handle it's weigh.
  • The rear facing machine guns are for stopping tailgating and keeps the dismounted troops from getting back into the vehicle if not authorized to do so.
  • @peterhoulihan9766
    I'm guessing the machine guns are supposed to be used by the infantry to clear opposition before dismounting. A bit like a port gun. The two barrels of fuel look like they're long range fuel tanks supposed to be dumped before entering combat. There was a BMP design with a similar feature at one point: The exit hatch was a hollow fuel tank, but any remaining fuel was supposed to be dumped before getting near the enemy.
  • @tomfuller4205
    The main armament is a version of the weapon system fitted to the BMP-3. In that case the 100mm main gun is actually a gun/missile launcher which fires all sorts of conventional rounds AND the BM-117 ATGM. Why carry spare twin ATGM launchers also?
  • Looks like the design team plays Imperial Guard (40k) and wanted to try making a Baneblade but wanted a starting experience.
  • @Jamesmatise
    This looks like a fighting vehicle designed by committee. They had to keep making it bigger and bigger to accommodate everyone's ideas for what an infantry fighting vehicle should have.
  • @shaunnichols1743
    I think the standards/precision is more significant from a maintenance/interchangeability standpoint. We've seen going all the way back to WW2 that an impressive vehicle on paper isn't much use if it can't be maintained in the field with easily sourced replacement parts. The VN-20 seems like it could have similar issues.
  • @kevinfidler6287
    Hauling 50 ton vehicles across the Tiwan Strait en-mass sounds like an excellent idea.
  • Weight has always been an issue for crossing bridges. The larger size also makes it an easier target. No matter what armor you use. There is a munition that can penetrate it.
  • @diealready6274
    If they keep adding things to this vehicle I think it can eventually upgrade to one of those droid-carrying hover tanks in Star Wars with huge frontal armor and many many cannons... So much potential!
  • @Spencer-vq7se
    I subscribed purely for the fact that you segmented your ad read in the playbar
  • @emerald640
    They forgot to add a flame thrower and fuel tanks for it next to the fuel tanks. It also lacks a mine plow in front and helicopter rotors to get over large obstacles. It looks like a weapon out of Starship Troopers.
  • @Jeremy-rp3in
    Think a former Command and Conquer player who loved giant tanks as a teen got to see their dream come true in the PLA.
  • @TenofSwords
    [Quote from 'The Pentagon Wars' HBO movie] Col. Robert Laurel Smith: That's one hell of a cannon. Jones: That's the problem. Col. Robert Laurel Smith: What is? Jones: You go out on the battlefield with this pecker sticking out of your turret, and the enemy's going to unload on you with everything they got. Might as well put a big red bullseye on the side. Col. Robert Laurel Smith: But it's a troop carrier, not a tank. Jones: Do you want me to put a sign on it in fifty languages, "I am a troop carrier, not a tank, please don't shoot at me"?