No-Knead Rustic Bread/捏ねないパン

Published 2021-04-09
The easiest bread I know how to bake. The gluten is developed when mixing the flour and water and by later stretching the dough with wet hands. This is a no mess bread, a so called wet-dough, that stays moist for several days after baking. Enjoy.

550 grams bread flour (mine has between 11-12% gluten)
430 ml warm water
2 grams dry yeast
8 grams salt

1. Mix the yeast and salt with the warm water and let it sit for a couple of minutes to rehydrate.

2. With a fork, begin to beat in the flour. As in the video, the more flour you add in, the more you'll be able to turn the batter over onto itself. This it to help form the gluten.

3. Once you've added all the flour, cover and let it rest for half an hour.

4. Take a bowl of water and place it near your dough. Dip your hands into the water then reach in and pull the dough. Stretch and pull that dough until it's tight. If the dough ever feels sticky, dip your hands back in the water.

5. Let the dough rest another half hour and repeat the process.

6. Turn out the dough onto a lightly floured workspace and shape the dough (I prefer a loaf pan but round loaf works well.. Dip your hands in water and use a pastry scraper to help you. Resist the urge to add flour!

7. Let the dough rest for 60-90 minutes, till it has almost trippled.

8. Bake in a hot 220C/430F for 20 minutes, then turn down the oven to 190C/380F. (Throw a few ice cubes in the oven at the beginning to create steam which helps the bread rise further.)

9. Let cook on a wire rack and enjoy.

Note: I often bake this bread when I have a free morning or afternoon. I let the dough rise 90 minutes each time while I run errands and take care of things, coming back to beat it down. In my opinion, the longer rising times improve the flavor of the finished bread.

I also make this early evening and put it in the fridge for the final rise. Just put a piece of buttered/oiled wrap on it to prevent the top from drying. In the morning, let it rest on the counter for 30 - 60 minutes before putting it in the oven.

All Comments (9)
  • @JannaPhen
    I've only made bread myself once and I used a bread maker. This video makes it seem like such an easy and calming activity. I'll have to try again.
  • @alicein_______
    I love making no-knead breads and I really like your recipe! I should try this some time :-)
  • @marieskitchen46
    Perfect ever 👌🏻👌🏻 U have amazing skills..... Best wishes for ur channel Friends forever🏵️🏵️
  • Such a shame you are using single use plastic to cover your dough. Just use a lid or a plate! No need to create that extra waste.