Every Season of GoT and HOTD Ranked

Publicado 2022-12-22

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @domskillet5744
    Bran being king because "he has a good story" is the biggest slap in the face to the audience you could possibly have. They literally cut him from an entire season because his story was so boring and they think everyone forgets this lmao
  • @Chinchilla2310
    Season 2 really suffered from a small budget. If they had an extra few million to pad out Qaarth with the more fantastical elements from the book and Battle of the 5 Kings, it would have been a top contender.
  • I categorize GOT seasons 2 and 3 as being like a long single season. The two seasons fit together so seamlessly.
  • @richtea615
    GoT was only good when GRRM was doing the writing.
  • @mevgod2160
    Instead of bran not being in season 5, they should’ve had him training to become the 3 eyed raven by showing flashbacks to roberts rebellion which would make sense cus by the time we’re in season 6 they are showing flashbacks of Ned getting to the tower of joy to rescue his sister.
  • @GandalfGreyhame
    I really agree with how season 5 was generally mediocre while season 6 was a mix of extreme highs and extreme lows. Quality-wise they are around the same level, but season 6 definitely stands above 5 in terms of entertainment. I find it really hard to compare HotD with the seasons of GoT. Looking strictly at the writing and story, it would probably be placed just below the first four seasons of GoT even though there are some big weaknesses (mostly as a result of the time jumps and pacing being all over the place). If I instead just focused on how much I enjoyed watching the season, I might rank season 6 above it
  • @KatMBurkett
    People who say HOTD is boring probably dont watch any historical dramas and think the fast and the furious movies are the hight of cinema.
  • @LPChipi
    I'm glad S1 is getting some love. Some people don't like it that much because it is the "set up" season, but I think it is underrated how difficult that set up must have been. With so many elements presented so smoothly and in such an entertaining way (with half the budget of other seasons)
  • @jacobseed2123
    The only change I would make is that I would put season 2 over season 3 because Tyrion and Stannis have much better storylines in season 2, and Blackwater is my favorite episode
  • @Samiii90210
    I was really Hoping that "House of the Dragon" don't disappoint me and it didn't such an incredible first season.
  • @HerrinMonika93
    Great list. Season 1-4 are really close, so you could switch them in any way and i would still agree, but i think you found pretty much the perfect order.
  • @Fuzely
    Really glad you're still uploading consistently while there is no new HOTD/GOT content. S4 Tyrion trial, Watchers on the Wall & Joffrey's death were great
  • In terms of what HoTD S1 had to accomplish (condense 20 years of simmering conflict into 10 hours while also establishing characters, setting, themes, conflict, etc.) it did a very good job. Hopefully now, the speed can come down several levels and we can enjoy the Dance of the Dragons in near real time
  • @Divine_Chareka
    Agh just when I needed a video from this channel, thanks mate for keeping us entertained
  • Still need to watch HotD... 1. Season 4 2. Season 3 3. Season 1 4. Season 2 5. Season 6 6. Season 5 7. Season 7 8. Season 8
  • @GeorgeG14
    HotD might not be the 'best' season but it's my favourite if that makes sense. The deep connection with the characters and the exploration of the grey area hits me like no season of GoT ever did. Every character's actions are justified, whereas in GoT there are clear villains and heroes for us to root for. In HotD I still can't decide who I want to sit the throne.
  • @odinssmoke6351
    High key love that you use Skyrim music for your vids keep up the great work
  • @FireofGia111
    Your video essays are some of my favorites! You have a nice voice :)