Published 2022-01-07
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All Comments (21)
  • @lonely_saturn
    As a trans person, I will say headcanoning Luisa as trans is incredibly problematic. It's both transphobic and misogynistic, as it basically is that she isn't "feminine enough" to be a cis woman, so people say buff woman = trans.
  • @tzeitelqiu
    personally as a hispanic person, i don't see any problem with headcanons like this in any way. its literally not hurting anybody. the only people i have issues with are people like this certain person who left a review saying "the movie is about a family cracking under the pressure of heterosexual expectations and how hard it is to be the only gay person in your family" that is what "missing the point" is, not children simply giving characters headcanons because they want to.
  • @kevo6302
    I think the problem is people only headcannon Isabella as a lesbian because she didn’t like Marriano when the only reason she was marrying him was to uphold the family status and her “perfect” image and this happens a lot in these families and community’s so people feel like headcannoning her as lesbian takes away from that
  • @kevo6302
    Also the Luisa thing is because people are always hyper mascilizing poc woman and it’s just weird to headcannon the buff woman as trans
  • Hi, I'm Colombian so let me give you a little perspective from our POV. The problem itself isn't having a headcanon with characters is how people (mostly anglosaxon by the thing I have seen myself) are taking such good representation from my culture and making it about them withount understanding our cultural backgrown. I have seen people who have said "Dolores have tourettes bc of the sound she makes" or "Bruno have OCD bc he is nocking on wood" this are CULTURAL THINGS WE HAVE lot of us are superstitious and tend to express ourselfs with sound or non verbal language to comunicate with others, so it's very harmful how people are cutting this movie to their convenience and when you try to correct them tellling that it isn't that way they silent us and try to speak over us as always. Other thing that happened is people completely misunderstanding the abuela Alma history with her flashback apart of the misinfo that have been spread with "the people with machetes and horses" trying to make her a "villain" when we know there is no villain in Encanto it is people with trauma. We have had a pretty violent history for more than 50 years that have affected our people and their behaviour so when they say thing like "oh the abuela was so selfish, I hate her", she should have died" is like they are insulting us, a lot of us and our families have to deal with generational trauma and the consecuenses of seeing/experiencing violence and a lot of us behave in no pretty healthy ways so is hard how people have tried to villanise people who deal with trauma and then saying "omg I love Colombia so bad" is such an insult. Also I wanna adress this is one of the few representations of my country that shows two sides of the same coin and for once they don't represent us in a jungle, with lot of narcos and everyone getting drugged, so you can understand why this movie touched a nerve in tons of Colombians, so it's sad how people are trying to shapeshift the meaning behind to fit them when mostly of them are getting decent representation everywere. Anyway I love your videos and I hope you can understand us and our POV, take care!
  • @desiree7633
    I think one of the main reasons why Latin Americans are upset is because they finally have a movie that represents them and all they see people talking about is lgbt+ and not the cultural specifics that they wanted us to learn about. I say this as a black person so hopefully I'm right.
  • 10:40 maybe you specifically don’t see it as a problem or you haven’t run into this problem before but in western history it is an actual problem with people of color to be stereotyped as being overly masculine, angry, or a nurse maid character. I think Encanto did a wonderful job with giving Luisa a strong exterior and a soft interior. They portrayed her body very positively. There’s nothing inherently wrong with headcanons but to me it’s “reaching” when positively expressed body diversity is being replaced
  • @pathetic445
    The problem is when people, specifically I’m talking about white queer people, just focus on headcanoning these characters as lgbtq and overlook everything else. Encanto is not an lgbtq movie, it’s not. And by focusing on your headcanons you’re just missing out on the beautiful story right in front of you. I suppose it’s just the way fandoms tend to be but I wish more people would talk about the actual story here.
  • @beeautie1729
    I think the problem is the headcanons they make are somewhat stereotyping like for example they think Luisa is A trans becuase shes buff and “masculine” or isabela is “lesbian” because she didnt wanna marry Mariano, I don’t have problems with headcanon but i hope they stop generalizing and stereotyping stuff because it’s disrespectful
  • @animebomb
    Personally, with headcanons, I don't mind it at all cause I do that myself in other fandoms even though, to me Isabela rejecting Marcino doesn't give me closeted lesbian vibes. Still, if people see that, that's okay, but what I don't like is that headcanons are getting in the way of the main story. The main story of Encanto IS ABOUT FAMILY, NOT SEXUALITY!!! And Isabela struggle was finding out that she doesn't have to be, "perfect" and can be whoever she wants to be.
  • Also! A little comment about the video. Most of the people that call others racist are mostly white gringos (or at the worst they are 2nd gen Latines that have never stepped here in Latin America), most us latinos and Colombians understand our history of mestizaje, and we understand that we all have varieties of ethnicities so that means there is white latinos! Pepa is an example of that, she has green eyes and ginger-ish kind of hair and she is as Latina and Colombian as the rest of the family.
  • @vko.
    You can headcanon. But sometimes just keep it in your head 💀
  • @mori_fangirl
    I agree with most of the things you were saying, except with the Luisa bit. Masculinization of women of color is a completely real and thing I myself go through everyday. It also is related to adultification of black girls ( including Latinos). It is when somebody assumes them to be more grown up or boy-ish, even though they may be the exact same as their white peers. Making Luisa trans is kind of racist in its own way. While this might not be intentional, it is still a real topic that really exists.
  • @BETAnp
    I’m Colombian myself and I don’t mind the headcannons as long as they’re morally decent 😭 also something you should know about Colombia or any South American country is that we’re a mix of European, Indian, and native Americans I believe, so we can go from looking Super pale to super dark.
  • @blueprint..
    Yeah as a Colombian queer person myself, I think that the head canons are ok but once they start to say the movie is like a metaphor for sexuality and being closeted and all that it really rubs me the wrong way because imo that is clearly not what it’s about.
  • @yikes5549
    There was this one video I saw where someone said that you couldn’t cosplay/dress like any character unless you had the same ethnicity and that reminded me of when Moana came out and the whole situation around that. People on the news where saying that they advised to not let kids dress like Moana or Maui because it’s cultural appropriation, and I’m not even gonna try and start anything because that is a real thing and it negatively effects so many people and Pacific culture has been sold 100 times over. What I’m trying to get at is that Disney is a corporation and what are they good at? Selling stuff to kids. What do they sell a lot of? Costumes. Of the different characters. I’m not saying it’s wrong or it’s right, all I’m saying is that inevitably, there’s going to be a kid who will want to dress like Mirabel or Isabela or Pepa or someone from the movie and all I can hope is that this fandom won’t send death threats/call them racist because, these are 1-8 year olds. They don’t know anything. They just want to dress like a Disney character they love.
  • @chocobun4879
    I love Encanto but some of the people take stuff too far. Whitewashing is horrible, but drawing a character with a line nose isn’t whitewashing. People attacked an artist who drew those anime line noses. Just saying because the whole erasing ethnic feature thing reminded me when a artist got attacked for that on Twitter when it wa s obvious that wasn’t their intent and people were reaching.
  • @galila6735
    I feel like the way you represented the argument that 'headcanoning Luisa as mtf is racist' was very shallow and overlooks the way woc are repeatedly hypermasculanized by society and the system. And due to that people feel uncomfortable with people hc the only buff strong lady as mtf.
  • @icantgetoveryou
    i believe the reason people are so mad at people (more specifically white people) headcannoning the characters as lgbtqai+ is because they do so in order for the characters to be "more relatable" to white people since they can't really share things like their tanned skin or culture for example, so they put these characters as genderfluid, lesbian, transmasc etc so that they can relate to the cast a little bit more personally, i'm venezuelan and i don't really see a problem with headcannoning these characters as gay or trans if anything i enjoy it since lgbt representation within hispanic culture is something kinda nonexistent so i'm glad they see us as more than mexico taco burrito little edit: i did some thinking and i find it kinda iffy when people headcanon luisa as transmasc or something like that, us fem presenting latinas are eradicated from our femininity the day we're born unless we have somewhat white-ish features, so it's just a little bit degrading to see masculine woman with that label on ://
  • The problem with the headcanons are the reasons why people have them. People headcanon for Isabela being a lesbian is because she didn't want to marry that guy, can't remember his name. Just because she didn't want to marry this guy doesn't mean she's lesbian. She didn't want to marry him because she wasn't actually in love with the guy. She only agreed to marry him because she felt like that was right for the family. The headcanon for Luisa is that she's trans, and people think she's trans because she's "too muscular to be born a woman. " That is harmful to actual trans women. They are basically saying a women can't be strong and have muscles. For Mirabel the headcanon is she's Ace and Bi. How is she bi? Well people's reason is because she has a rainbow stitched into her clothes that are the same colors as the Bi flag. From what I heard is that's it's an omage to the voice actress, but that doesn't necessarily mean Mirabel is bisexual. As for the ace, I'm not sure where her being ace comes from. It may be due to the fact she doesn't go for romance at all during the movie, but I could be wrong.