I Was Undercover In The UK's Toughest Drug Gang | Minutes With | @LADbible

This week we sat down with Neil Woods, who was an undercover narcotics officer for 14 years. Neil told us about the toughest cases he had, drug addicts and dealers he has met, the drugs he had to take whilst undercover and what made him change his views on the drug policies.

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コメント (21)
  • Some gang member watching this right now: wait, isnt that Bob?
  • Honestly love the honesty of the people who are interviewed. So important and refreshing to see clear deep dives that aren't sensationalised. Keep it up Ladbible
  • "the more we police this, the more we sharpen that sword" spot on this is a very very important interview, the powers that be all need to see and take serious notice of what this guy is saying
  • When he said "it's just cannabis" does restore my faith a bit in the police, not all of them think backwards 💪🏽💪🏽
  • I completely agree with Neil, decriminalisation is the only way forward. Constantly prosecuting victims does nothing but ruin already difficult lives. Our prison system is shocking too, so ineffective.
  • I actually went to school with Neil.It's strange to see an old school mate on YouTube talking about his experiences as an undercover policeman.If the "war on drugs" isn't working, the UK government needs to sit down with guys like Neil to discuss a new approach. Great interview.
  • Utterly fascinating, and completely in line with my views as a medical professional. Nobody sets out to be addicted, of to use harmful substances. There is always a back story.
  • @arobe7695
    "...the harder we police this, the more we sharpen that sword". Wow. What a statement, and what a brave, introspective man to see through to the humanity in those violent, terrifying situations. We need more conscientious people like him not just in law enforcement, but in all humanity nowadays.
  • So refreshing to hear a cop talk well about the war on drugs. Decriminalisation is coming, it’s a matter of time.
  • This man deserves so much respect for how he has put his life and health in danger, to help reduce the violence in our country and how he was able to realise that undercover ops actually further the violence. He's clearly incredibly clever and has a good heart, he is not judgemental and has compassion for the people he's met in such terrible circumstances. Interviews like this are so important, its spreading a really salient message that people at their rock bottom are often victims of abuse and are hurting and vulnerable needing compassion not judgement. Also it brings to light the long long chain of violence that is attached to your bag of cocaine on a saturday night. Gang crime is robbing so many youth of their young adulthood and potential. Its such a complicated issue! Thansk for this ladbible!
  • @catau8000
    my house has never been so clean and tidy hahaha ...this man is not what I expected from an undercover drug copper ... he's very intelligent, ballsy yet gentle, sympathetic and incredibly interesting...breaking stereotypes, thought provoking listen this
  • Before I read his book, which is an outstanding read, I was totally against the legalisation of drugs in the UK. But in his book he explains how countries that have legalised drugs are coping. Plus also how the process should be managed. It's interesting to see his face, as it was never shown in the book. Also he was actively vilified by police top brass when he left the police and started to campaign for legislation. All the very best Neil, we need people like you with experience and wisdom in government making decisions. Thank you.
  • @raony9554
    Much respect to this guy, talking some real facts about the reality of the world we live in
  • @kev6798
    Excellent video. Where there is demand, there will be supply. Its true that a traumatic response maybe to take drugs, similar to PTSD taking anti-depressants. The invention of safeguarding and mental health awareness is improving lives.
  • Man I love you guys. These interviews are so valuable. Very powerful message. Thanks to Neil also for sharing his story!
  • I was a cop for 14 years. I can say this 100% honesty, there wasn’t a day, where i didn’t feel like I was playing for the wrong side.
  • @polla2256
    What an eye opening perspective. Very much like a soldier who's been to war never wishing for war and finding a new empathy for humanity.
  • These types of docu”pieces” deserve an Emmy/BAFTA or something - I have watched all I them and nothing has gripped me more and the more tragic the story the more compelling it is - please continue. Also thank you for all the people who have took part so far - incredibly brave but they have to know how influential their stories are!!
  • @PodOfHeat
    "It's just cannabis though isn't it..." Obviously knows the difference between hard drugs and softer ones. That reassured me