Spanish American War the Philippines and Filipino Genocide 4

Selection of a documentary about the Spanish American War. In five parts. Fourth part.

コメント (21)
  • @MissHoov
    I am a high school history teacher in the USA, and I was supposed to show this portion of this documentary in class today and left the damned DVD at home! Thank you so much for posting this and saving my lesson!
  • Amigo Boricuo: Te felicito por tomarte el trabajo de subir este artículo. Me alegro de que en YouTube no sólo haya vídeos caseros sino también contenidos educativos. Te manda un abrazo Patricio Iglesias
  • @balbahut0g
    we share the same view. Mygreatgrandfather is an American soldier in the Philippines during that horrible war .Philippines[he sez ] was the turning point of American political-war policies.Divide and conquer,"Dont go to war without a native soldier on your side cause the third world is maturing and taking note that we white boys are waging war not for democracy but for prime real estates and its rich resources,and of course we want it for whites only, crumbs to the natives.
  • @payatot09
    @bayyagg talking about the Japanese Motto "Asia is for Asians!" why would they commit so much atrocities towards Philippines and other Asian countries. More like "Asia is for Japan"
  • As in any war at any time no people were perfect. To me it seems Phillipines has always had other countries pillaging and ruining it. I read somewhere that at one time it could have been the most powerful Asian country. But with over 100 dialects and many communities it seems there is too much seperation for it to ever work as one. I hope that the Phillipines could someday sort out a fair system of government. This would be a good start.
  • @rosadobigd
    Saludos me gusta este grupo y apoyo esa meta tambien.
  • @trokoro
    Americans won. Spanish language, which was spoken by half the population in Manila, was wiped out and Filipinos now speak American English, emigrate by the millions to the U.S. and are the closes allies of America in Asia.
  • of all the wars battles and sufferings the filipinos have experienced but still doesnt learned a lesson the country is still a ruin the government is corrup poverty never decrease it only increases crime rate is still going up mas mabuti sigro kung hindi na lang nag rebelde ang mga bayani natin sa mga sumakop sa atin baka siguro mas mabuti pa ang kalagayan ng pinas ngayon
  • @payatot09
    @bayyagg i have to disagree, even if the americans were not here the japanese will invade philippines. Japan had an ambitious plan to dominate and conquer the whole Eastern Asia. Not only was it a perfect location to station troops to launch further aussualts on positions like Singapore and Australia. It was also a resource rich country which would further fuel the Japanese war machine and feed the Japanese people at home.
  • dammit, accidentally hit the 1 star rating when i tried to unpause the video. Its great documentary, so I feel bad because that happened.
  • @payatot09
    @bayyagg japan attack the whole indochina region ( loas,cambodia, thailand, burma, vietnam).Thai resistance lasted only a few hours before ending in a ceasefire. Thailand was a better location and had better stability since they were not colonize by the french so they were used by the japanese to over look the new territory that Japan had conquer in indochina. So yes Thailand was allied of japan because they were under japan rule.
  • @JurishzteR
    i guess he was talking about the american vietnam war,... at that time soviet and russia were sending arms and ammos to the vietcongs
  • @zrcst
    @rosadobigd The Filipinos resisted American imposition of English particularly the ilustrados educated in Spain. They however perished during World War II. Americans and the Japanese destroyed Manila, the heart of the nations Hispanic culture. With the absence of resistance, a city destroyed, and US propaganda, Filipinos became to what we are - an American loving society with perfect English and unaware of what our revolutionary leaders fought for. Regardless, our spirit remains Hispanic.
  • First, if you want to justify an evil with another evil, then you are wrong. Second, Puerto Rico is not part of the USA. I do not say so but the USA Supreme Court. Do you know what are the Insular Cases? Then, learn. Go to Wikipedia
    So is easy for you to go to united states. i went to Filipinas and not everybody speaks English, and the ones that do don't sound yankee. i know i lot of Filipinos that Speak Spanish or understand Spanish more than Yankee English, most English that go to Filipinas are from Canada. theres alot of Filipinos in Canada well the nannies and nurses and contract workers are pinoy. USA don't give a shit about Filipinos. But I LOVE YOUR PEOPLE AND YOUR COUNTRY.
  • Saludos amigo soy puertorriqueño también y pertenezco al grupo hispanofilipino de Yahoo. Por un error se entró el grupo como de adulto, pero nada que ver. El grupo lucha por recobrar la lengua española en las Filipinas. Únete.
  • THEY WEREN'T ALL FRAKKIN' EVIL! Every nation has good and evil individuals. And every individual has his own inner conflict of good and evil so don't generalize them -_-
  • @RPenta
    We need another and bigger Anti-Imperialist League!