Gen-3 vs Youtube / AI Video To Audio & More Creative AI Tools!

Today I'm diving into some of the hottest topics in the creative AI space. From the recent Runway ML controversy to exciting an exciting new Video To Audio Platform-- plus: Storyteller from our friends at Mootion and cool new tools like CrowdMoGen, there's a ton to talk about!

My thanks to Mootion for sponsoring this video, check out Storyteller at:

⏱️ Chapters:
0:00 - Introduction
0:19 - Runway ML Controversy
2:51 - The Youtube Response and T&C
4:10 - What we can Learn from the Leaked Spreadsheet
4:48 - The Gen-3 Prompt GPT
5:56 - Resona AI Video to Audio Generation
7:07 - More Resona Examples
8:08 - Mootion Storyteller (Sponsored)
9:27 - Mootion's Superpower
11:30 - CrowdMoGen

🔍 In this video, we cover:

Runway ML's alleged use of YouTube content for AI training
Resona's impressive audio generation from video
Motion's new Storyteller platform for AI-driven narratives
CrowdMoGenI for collective motion generation

🔗 Links and Resources:

Runway ML leaked spreadsheet:…

Runway Gen3 Ultimate Prompt Builder GPT:…

Resona Beta Access:

Motion Storyteller:

Crowd Mode AI GitHub (coming soon):

🎥 Want to dive deeper into AI and creative technology? Check out our other videos on generative AI, video production, and more!

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#AINews #CreativeTechnology #GenerativeAI

コメント (21)
  • @ZyzyxVile
    I think the thing these blogs need to remind everyone is that there is no law whatsoever that can keep an AI company from doing things like this and a TOS (Term of Service) is not a legally binding contact. Judges typically chuck them to the wind in the courtroom. At the most, should you break a TOS, they can cancel your account, that's it.
  • @AaronPlay
    Ok 1. Mootion, I am going to check out your platform because of this video. Keep sponsoring this dude. 2. I’d love to see a video where you combine a lot of the elements you’ve talked about together to make a music video starting from lyrics. I’ve gotten comfortable generating the audio with Suno, but am still trying to figure out what platforms will provide the best results for creating consistent characters, turning those characters into video, adding lip synch, adding animated lyrics, etc. again, going to check out Mootion for this.
  • Holy crap!!!!! I,.paused your vid for a few hours, maxed out the Moverse demo, and walked away with 22 minutes of my movie competed! Amazing... Ai-vid is making years of technology progress pass by in hours. Thank you Theoretically Media for forging the path!!!!! :)
  • This needs to be discussed; Ai training is not Stealing nor is it copying. That is why every lawsuit so far has been either thrown out or dismissed. Ai training is literally just taking "inspiration" from those things. You know what every single person does. If that is grounds for a lawsuit then everyone can get sued. We need to fight the mass disinformation about Ai training with critical thinking and common sense in objective based reality.
  • Hi Tim, thanks for the video and for the prompt generator! I'm pretty bad at prompting so I need all the help I can get. 🤣 Love that you are sharing so much information with everyone!
  • Resona is a pretty good concept, might as well use it for my AI videos
  • You nailed it! Runway ml's missing link is training on Theoretically Media like we do! Maybe in the next update?
  • For everyone reading this I hope you all have a great day, I’m off to see Deadpool with the wife. ps ACCELERATE
  • @LouisGedo
    3:43 Could have VERY major model training advantages over all competitors! 😲
  • You can't train an LLM on content that came from an LLM. It creates a recursive detail loop that will destroy the output fidelity.
  • Balloon over turkey is not super scifi environment... It's the landscape of Kapadokia, real 😅
  • Thank you for all your hard work and for taking your time to share with us. You're pretty great on camera.
  • The birdwatcher in me finds that AI videos are not too fussy at mixing and mashing the real world. Those "toucans" are a hornbill blend (almost accurate Great Hornbill) in the Motion Storyteller clip and that tropical beach scene sounds like it has been invaded by Herring Gulls seeking warmer climes. Its like those Kookaburra calls you hear in African Jungles -thanks Tarzan
  • @john_blues
    Great info here. Can you do a video on how you created the Custom Gpt from the Spreadsheet data?
  • @NGW_Studio
    nice thank you for the runway custom GPT prompter