Which Countries Are Not a Part of the Great Reset?

Publicado 2024-07-17
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In this video, Mr Henderson provides a thoughtful exploration of alternative locations for individuals seeking a change from their current living situation. He offers insightful recommendations for places where one can find a more desirable lifestyle, explore new possibilities, and take proactive steps toward securing a future aligned with their aspirations and values.

00:00 Start
03:10 The Continent of Africa
07:43 The South Pacific
09:02 Eastern Europe
13:54 Where People Have Known Some Oppression
16:42 Countries that Have Diplomatic Relations with China

Nomad Capitalist helps clients "go where you're treated best". We are the world's most sought-after firm for offshore tax planning, dual citizenship, and international diversification and asset protection. We use legal and ethical strategies and work exclusively with seven- and eight-figure entrepreneurs and investors.

We create and execute holistic, multi-jurisdictional Plans that help clients keep more of their wealth, increase their personal freedom, and protect their families and wealth against threats in their home country.

No other firm offers clients access to more potential options to relocate to, bank in, or become a citizen of. Because we do not focus only on one or a handful of countries, we can offer unbiased advice where others can't.

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DISCLAIMER: The information in this video should not be considered tax, financial, investment, or any kind of professional advice. Only a professional diagnosis of your specific situation can determine which strategies are appropriate for your needs. Nomad Capitalist can and does not provide advice unless/until engaged by you.

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • I really like the way you think about these things in general. Learning so much from your channel, I'm going to resarch deep into the countries that you mentioned. Thank you and have a wonderful week.
  • The United States is following the WEF’s playbook to the letter. It’s becoming a nation of renters. Housing isn’t affordable for the average wage earner. Cheesy apartment buildings are going up everywhere. Cars are going the same way. They’re so expensive that when the car loan is finally paid off it’s time for a new one so it’s the same as renting. The quality of life in the U.S. is plummeting. The culture has become very druggy because of the despair. Being a “boomer” I saw life get better for people in succeeding generations. Then things abruptly turned in a different direction, and now conditions are getting uglier by the year.
  • "Don't be in abusive relationships, even your country." Common sense that nobody will hear.
  • I love how the Secret Police at YouTube see the term Great Reset and upload a banner under the video to re-educate us.
  • Most African countries could not care less about COVID hysteria, lockdowns & vaccine mandates. We didn't see mass death there either.
  • We first bought property in Medellin, Coñombia in 2016 when we were still living on our NZ registered yacht in Malaysia/Thailand. After selling the yacht in 2018, we moved permanently to Colombia and have been here ever since. We now live in a small country town 30kms SE of Medellin and are very happy here. We are both 77 yrs of age. We would not be anywhere else.
  • Im from South Africa. Before 2020 I really wanted to leave the country. But I loved the way the citizens rebelled against ridiculous rules, mandates, lockdowns. Citizens do not like people infringing on their personal freedoms, despite at the time the government trying to push The Agenda. Now I would rather be here than any Western country.
  • I am not rich, but have work all my life. PLZ help people that know how to work and are good people.
  • The abusive relationship analogy is very relatable to many. You're not "treated best" when in a toxic relationship with someone. Same goes for the country where you reside should you be taxed excessively or regulated to a degree where many personal freedoms no longer exist.
  • Andrew, I'm a fan of your channel/ministry. At 71-years of age, My lifestyle is premised upon exploring Latin America. Six months in the northern hemisphere and six. months in the southern hemisphere. Currently, I'm exploring the Mayan arts, cuisine and culture in Merida, Yucatan, México until mid-September. At which time, I plan to fly to Buenos Aires, Argentina to begin exploring Argentina's arts, cuisine and culture. I'm looking forward to Tango lessons. Why Latin America?! #1, im lazy and only want to learn one language other than English. #2, Im a Boomer. Not a DOOMER! My party is just getting started!!! 🎉🍾 🥂 💃🕺
  • About the mindset of the people: I agree with that sentiment. I'm from Germany and there is a big reason why the political landscape in west-germany and in east-germany (former DDR) is so different. But all over the political development i see in the country, i don't like where it's heading.
  • America first means the US gov should take care of its citizens first. which should be every gov priority...
  • Anyone who had communism as their government knows.
  • I met a British man who worked in oil in many African countries. According to him the main problem of the place is that as there's not a real middle class or even upper class if we exclude the politicians everything is extremely expensive. They build a few safe luxury buildings where you're almost forced to stay in, because in countries that underveloped there's nowhere else to go, there's only that and the slums. Also, most foreigners arriving are oil workers who get their accommodation paid by their companies. As these companies have an infinite supply of money they can pay whatever they want even if everything is extremely overpriced. And it's not only with housing, same story for anything that has to be imported. We see things in Asia or Latin America being dirt cheap compared to the west so we think Africa must be even cheaper because its less developed but the thing is Asia and Latam are more unequal than they are underdeveloped. There is wealth in the country but it is not seen by the majority of the population. Whereas in Africa there's no wealth in the countries, its all siphoned away. So there's not even the infrastructure for a middle or upper middle class as we know it. Of course, there are many people with no money problems who do well but aren't rich either but their lifestyles are far from the ones a Westerner or anyone from a more developed place would be comforable with
  • You’ll own nothing and have to work ALL your life in order to pay others for it
  • Go where you're treated best is Andrew's line. Conversely, go where you're appreciated and can fully contribute to society. Trying to find that sweet spot somewhere.
  • Ownership isn't always an asset, it's often a liability.
  • Sorry guys, most of the south pacific will be part of the great reset, I know because I live here and I have a background in Pacific politics. Our currency is backed by the failing USD, a portion of our economy is dependent on aid from usa, aust, nz and eu therefore our policies favour the aid donors agenda. Currently china is slowly influencing the region and if ww3 happens the Pacific ocean will be a battle zone. In my opinion countries like Venezuela, Cuba and Zimbabwe are good places to escape the reset because they have been through hardships and still existing. Russia with it's resource based economy is stable as long as there is no nuke war. Burkina Farso, a African country that is telling new colonialists to eff off, aligned with Russia for protection, and focusing on building its wealth. Just my thoughts, peace everyone
  • UK is becoming the worst country in europe an average house rental in London is £3000 to £4000 plus council TAX plus bills thats Total of £40k to £50k If you add food clothing,transport,ect We talking about £60k for an average family of 4 to live in London Thats bit madness when minimum wages salary is £24k So if a couple of both work full time for mimum wages thats Total of £50k !!!! Thats why almost everyone is relying on Government support To survive