Man Alive Borstal 1970s

Doc showing the conditions of 1970s Borstals

コメント (21)
  • Most of these blokes were born around 1950. Just think 💭 they are around 75 years old now.
  • @S-North
    I'm glad to have been born in 71, I got the chance to see the country a while before the digital era came and really kicked in, creating the fears, paranoia and the sense of hopelessness that we now see today. It was a tougher life growing up in the 70's and 80's, though there was always a sense of hope and optimism. Sadly those senses have been almost deliberately' stripped away.
  • Came across your crime & prison videos today, 90% of which I’ve not seen before, where have all these come from they’re absolute quality, will keep me busy in the evenings for a few weeks, cheers keep up the good work 👍🏻
  • @CARLIN4737
    54 years has changed beyond recognition . The year i was born? My old man was in Borstal, In Kent i think.Hes gone now. God bless him. South London boys both of us and now im an old man. Well 50 odd plus. Man alive life goes by in the blink of an eye.
  • What a great documentary programme Man Alive was ... good quality journalism from the B.B.C.
  • @vanderark89
    I’ve seen some of these videos before but they disappeared. Good to see some new stuff(even if it is 50 years old) on this channel. Great stuff. Thanks.
  • This country has changed to a point it almostt brings a tear to my eye.
  • Thanks for all these uploads. That's me sorted for a few months 👍
  • @cglees
    It seems that everyone was so much more intelligent back then
  • Good channel that I've only just come across, I've already watched a few of these old documentaries but it looks like you've put loads of them onto YouTube, good one mate it'll keep me occupied for a while watching em I hadn't realised so many older prison documentaries had been made.
  • Notice the lack of black kids , also no fat kids. How times have changed!
  • "As for work Sir, I dont want to be a gardener, especially greenhouse's and definitely nowhere near coal or pool tables."
  • @Jack_Warner
    At the time stamp 27:34 there is a calendar on the wall for April 1970. The 4th April, I did my Cycling Proficiency test on that day. I've still got the certificate.
  • Fanedit, I hope you have monetised this channel coz you would deserve every penny of it. Your material is amazing and will be viewed by millions soon. Thankyou so much.
  • Superb series. I remember this episode well. Incredible to realize how long ago this was, but many young lads endured. Now, of course, old men.
  • Done borstal twice deerbolt then everthope I think myself I was treated really well at both borstals learnt my trade in there cook and still into it