Scientific evidence to support the existence of God? Dr Zakir Naik

Hey atheist here is the evidence proving existence of God? An open and live debate...


Most common question posed by the atheist#

1. Can the existence of God be proven?
2. Does empirical evidence suggest the presence of a deity?
3. Do philosophical arguments for God's existence hold merit?
4. Can the concept of God withstand logical scrutiny?
5. Does scientific inquiry provide insight into the existence of a divine being?
6. Is the universe created with some purpose by

About the Scholar...
Dr. Zakir Naik, a respected Islamic preacher and scholar, tackles the topic of God's existence from an Islamic standpoint. Drawing from Islamic theology, scripture, and reasoned discourse, he presents arguments supporting the existence of a divine being.

Summarized answer...
Islamic theology posits the existence of Allah as the creator of the universe and all that exists.The Qur'an, considered the word of God in Islam, repeatedly affirms the existence of Allah and calls on believers to reflect on His signs in the universe. The intricate design and order in the universe point towards the existence of an intelligent designer, namely Allah.

The concept of Tawhid (the oneness of God) in Islam asserts that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, emphasizing His existence and uniqueness. Moreover, Islamic cosmology holds that Allah is the First Cause, the uncaused cause, who initiated the chain of creation.

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