Tap Into Your Feminine Essence

Published 2024-07-12
Episode 94 of Naturally Caroline

"When we bring the attention back to our center - our Womb - we become aligned, empowered, present, and grounded." - Rebecca Akat

Our menstrual cycles aren’t a burden or something to be ashamed of. Each cycle is an opportunity for renewal, deep cleansing, and connecting to our feminine energy. When we sync our daily life with our cycle, we open a portal to our healthiest, most empowered, and abundant selves.

The woman behind @BlumeWomb, Rebecca Akat, joins the podcast today to share her wisdom as a menstrual cycle and feminine embodiment coach, teaching women how to honor their natural rhythms to enhance their lifestyle. Rebecca specializes in womb healing, helping women tap into great strength, creativity, ancestral healing, and abundance by better understanding what is happening inside of our bodies.

If you’re not currently cycling because you’re pregnant, in your wise woman years (menopause), or you’re dealing with PCOS or irregular cycles - worry not, we’ll share how you can still honor the internal seasons and your power within!


Connect with me on Instagram @carolineofenstein

All Comments (2)
  • @duckz134
    Good intro to cycle syncing. Thanks ladies.