Different Beast | EPIC the Musical Animatic

I was able to do this in 2 DAYS HOW.

I haven’t seen a full animatic for this song yet so I was happy to feed the people. 2/5 songs done. I am absolutely going to have arthritis after this saga.

コメント (21)
  • Note to self: Do not pretend to be a dudes wife he hasn’t seen for 12 years
  • @Kexaru
    Loved the expressions on Odysseus, he isn't cocky or enjoying this, he's angry and doesn't like to kill them but he knows he must.
  • "We are the ones who feast now." I love that line, so many of them have literally been eaten and now they are the monsters which will eat the ones hunting them down. When the prey becomes a predator. He learned the lessons that Athena and Poseidon were teaching him. He is ruthless now and there will be no mercy to anyone but himself. Love, love, love this, he just dosen't care about the lives of others now
  • Posideon answers phone: Yes Hades? You’re not going to cuss me out again are you? Hades: No, I forgave you for the 500 souls that you killed because you were pissy Odysseus blinded the son you visited… in Zeus know how long. Poseidon: You don’t sound like you forgive me. Hades: Eh, water under the bridge. I called because Odysseus killed some sirens. They’re pissed. Are they your daughters or something? Poseidon: The sirens? No… hm… nah. He killed them? Respect. I’ll still break his bones I see him again, but he has my respect. Meanwhile Odysseus: I get an odd feeling a God has respect for me.
  • @L.W.74
    His face at "let them drown" was SO COLD
  • Odysseus wasnt playing around with that first siren- This is one of my fav epic animatics! Love the intensity, design, and facial expressions!
  • @EdenVix
    I love the idea that he had a wedding ring as a necklace. That's why the siren assumed he had a wife and went based on that info and what Ody was saying, kinda just making shit up on the way in response to him. It makes more sense than her knowing about Penelope but somehow not knowing he doesn't have a daughter
  • While I will always mourn the fact that Jay didn't use the accurate description of the sirens (although some animators do add feathers to their siren design for this song, which does makes me feel better) and instead used the mermaid version (I completely understand why he did it, but still), this is still a fantastic animatic!
  • Why does everyone make Odysseus so fine😭 Seriously loved this though! It's amazing! I love how cold Odysseus is portrayed to be, really shows off why his men said 'he is a different beast' in the end instead of 'we are a different beast'
  • Such a great Ody design. The few strands of hair in his eyes really gives him that ragged vibe. And the expressions are amazing, really drive it home how none of them are particularly wanting to do this, but feel like they have to
  • This is my favorite song from Thunder Bringer saga. And you delivered everything I wanted to see for this song. I'm a sucker for a good chorus, and when ever I heard "we are the man made monsters, we are the ones who concur" I always imagined this dark faceless mob with white dot eyes. I've just been waiting for someone to animate it. Yall artists are crazy the way you pump these out so fast, I give you my praise and condolences.
  • Odysseus' expression at 1:49 is just so good! He's obviously sooo smug telling the siren all about his plan to trick her and how she played along perfectly. Way to become the monster, bud!
  • I can't hear "first we slayed" without imagining him popping a hip and snapping like he "slayed"
  • I like that Odysseus tied a rope around the siren’s neck, all that pressure on her larynx keeps her from singing and seducing Odysseus and the men. Nice detail.
  • @Zero1228x
    this is the second full animatic of this song i've seen, and you cannot imagine how happy i am that this song is finally getting some animatics, it's one of my favorites of the saga. thank you for your hard work!!
  • Oh wow, this is incredible. I really like how dark this is, to reflect the mood of Odysseus and his crew. When he was ordering kill them all, it does foreshadow the choice he'll have to make in ThunderBringer, and the flash to his eye, so hardened and lifeless, really hits hard. Kudos!
  • I love how when she hisses she changes its so perfect keep up the good work 👍
  • @VeggiePun
    King shit! I've only got the first 45 seconds on my own animatic so far!