Elvis Presley fighting stories told by the Memphis Mafia. Love affairs drugs temper funny sad legend

Published 2018-05-17
These are just some stories that I found very interesting and relatable. Hard to imagine all of these men would had set around and collaborated fictional lies in order to have relevance in life. Is there some exaggeration, or perhaps left out details? I would say yes, but the overall human side of Elvis makes him more intriguing. IN MY OPINION!

All Comments (21)
  • @soniaevans-ty7gz
    Nothing anyone could say would diminish my love for Elvis. ❤️❤️❤️
  • These men enjoyed the ride of Elvis’ fame + fortune until his health became so precarious that his father, Vernon laid them off. Their response was to write a book about Elvis’ flaws out of spite + for money. This saddened Elvis and his response was, “They gotta do what they gotta do.” He died weeks after. Elvis made peace with His Maker, his Lord + Saviour Jesus Christ before he died + is with Him right now. I’ve read, watched + listened enough to confidently arrive at this conclusion.
  • @resa.walters
    Poor Elvis. Everyone was so greedy and dependent on him that they couldn't dare be honest with him and tell him they were worried about him and that he had to go to rehab. They were scared they'd get fired. A real friend would take the blows, and risk him getting angry, and he'd have forgiven them. Maybe he just really needed someone who cared. I think they did care, but it was too little, too late. I bet they really regret losing him. And I bet they miss him. Heck, I miss him, and I've never even met him!
  • @MrPireasxios
    That story with a gift certificate from McDonald’s, Joe Esposito told the same story only these guys left out that he did it as a gag and gave everyone a real gift afterwards. Funny how they left that out
  • @jamesdrynan
    Hard to imagine what the Memphis Mafia boys would have done without Elvis? Not really. They lucked into a life of excess by basking in the fame of Presley.
  • @1suspect241
    I can't even imagine the pressure and stress that comes with being the king of rock-n-roll. It had to be more than one human being could carry and keep smiling
  • Elvis Presley was also a human being we all have our faults I miss him so
  • In an early interview Elvis himself said "I know I have a temper on me."
  • If they really Loved Him, they would have kept some of these stories to themselves.
  • Elvis helped a whole lot of people with money , and never got anything for it, and I am glad that some of his "Memphis mafia" group mentioned the good that Elvis did. I think Elvis appreciated loyality and unfortunately some were not loyal
  • They were blessed to be part of a world that only others can dream of. They should be grateful and not be talking about the man after he is gone and not here to defend himself. You know what they say. There is always two sides of the story.
  • There is nothing you could tell me about Elvis that would sway my love for him.
  • @sonjaheck3156
    These two (at the beginning) bug me. As soon as Vernon fired them, they wrote a tell-all book, even before Elvis died. Jerry Schilling wrote one, 2006 once getting permission from Priscilla. Larry Geller was the hairdresser. He and Jerry, and the cook (Mary Jenkins) were the only 3 that didn't use him.
  • Drugs change people. Its just so horrible that his manager got him so addicted. I would live to have seen elvis live a live a ling and healthy life.
  • @brendasmith6046
    Elvis was a man in a cage. He couldn't go any where like a normal man.
  • @Wooley689
    I can only imagine the stress and pressure on Elvis all the time. He had all these people depending on him for their livelihood, he knew it and didn't want to fail anyone he cared about.
  • @BobMinelli
    Very much appreciated hearing about "the human side" of Elvis. Hey, i ain't perfect either. And none of us know what it's like to be the most famous person on the planet.
  • @suewells108
    He was the most beautiful man that anyone has ever seen. Inside and out. My god he was handsome. Impossibly handsome. His voice was pure heaven. He was perfect. He had everything. He had everything but his freedom. He paid a price for being the most famous and loved person on the planet. No one but ELVIS knew what it was like to be ELVIS. It would have been better if he had not have become famous. He might still be alive if he had become just an ordinary person like the rest of us. He did not deserve to go so young. Such was the price of his fame. He was loved to death.