《花雨》墨爾本肇風中樂團 Chao Feng Chinese Orchestra - 《Rain of Flowers 》

Published 2023-02-07
《花雨》 吳宗憲作曲

《Rain of Flowers 》
Composed by Chung-Hsien Wu
"Flower Rain" describes the tung tree blooms in Miaoli, Taiwan in April and May. The tung tree flowers, known as the snow in April, bloom in the stacked mountains of Miaoli. They create a magnificent view from a distance. When walking among the forest of graceful tung tree flowers, one can feel a sense of melancholy amidst the elegance of the falling flowers during a gentle rain. The sensation of the floating blossoms and raindrops coalesce, until it is unclear what is touching one’s face.

樂器Instrument 演員 Performer
笛 Dizi 曾薇霖 Wei Lin Tseng (Lyn)
高音笙 Sheng 凌曉進 Xiao Jin Ling
琵琶 Pipa 文舒琦 Susan Wen
柳琴 Liuqin 陳啟晉 Ivan Chan
揚琴 Yangqin 劉冰瑶 Bingyao Liu
大阮 Daruan 劉賢億 Eric Lau
古箏 Guzheng 唐玉言 Monica Yu Yan Tang
二胡 Erhu 袁博 Bonnie Yuan
二胡 Erhu Numpark Sribanditmongkol
大提琴 Cello Liam Cullen
鋼片琴 Glockenspiel 黄安之 Jan Wong


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