
Published 2018-02-27

All Comments (17)
  • @megamanm7129
    Normally, this is the part where I would give you some words of encouragement, but the truth is, I can’t. I have no idea what you went through and/or are going through, so I think I’ll just keep my mouth shut.
  • @MrZfwman
    Dude this acutally made me sad.
  • @cheesemanthe2nd
    It wasn't a bad question in my opinion, mod creators just made it more awkward then it had to be
  • @maceface2892
    Dude life goes on. There are many many people who have viral videos of them on the internet doing cringey shit they they regret. It's not a big deal. People laugh at it for a little while and then move on. I know in your mind it's easy to convince yourself people are still out there watching that video and laughing at you constantly but I can assure you that nobody is. The only way it can bring you down is if you let it
  • That must have felt shit when your question was taken wrong. At first it really felt like a joke, I gotta say that. But it's awful to see what consequence it did to you. I hope you all the best man, and I hope you can laugh about this when you are older and maybe tell cool story about it. Life is/can be pretty cruel at young age, but when ppls get some years they stop to acting like idiots. Cheers, keep going dude.
  • @kawee6277
  • I mean I can't image what it is like being a living meme, that being said at least you didn't do something like Logan Paul. But I can tell you that defending yourself or even trying to act like its behind you isn't the best idea. If you've ever watched game of thrones Tyrion Says; Never forget who you are; the world wont. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you. You had the balls to ask a question no one would have asked, sure you were awkward and said it in the worst way possible. But if you come out and say: Yeah that was kind of stupid but hey we all do stupid things. People will be more quick to forgive then when you spend an hour justifying yourself. Besides in all the time you've spent worrying about all of this you've missed the opportunity to make a good video for your fans! And I promise (from an outsiders perspective) If I saw a funny video from you and then I realized you were that kid it would make it even cooler. I think Pewdiepie would feel the same. Last check out the channel Charisma On Command if you haven't already. I would assume if your like me (I have ADHD) or a like my friend who also has Aspergers that you probably deal with some form of depression or anxiety. He has some videos that will open your eyes and just be like... wow. Also even if you dont have ADHD check out How To ADHD. It has some good videos on non-nuerotypical thinking. Good luck and I hope you see this. :)
  • @tinkasaurus7904
    Reach out to me, if you ever want someone to talk to i can relate maybe not exactly but close enough that your video hit home. I also have autism.
  • @olapadziak
    I mean in all honesty, Pewdiepie just said who cares. It was just a question, you phrased it poorly, but it wasn't intentionally rude. And at the end of the day everything has an impact on how you work and your outcomes. Pewds just dismissed it because its not relevant to him, like it wasn't a deep discussion video, it was a meme video. Anyways, I'm sorry that this shit is up on the internet forever, I know it can be unfair to have something unfiltered and out of context just floating about the internet. I can empathize from a somewhat similar experience, except I had mine taken down before it blew up... Bet mine was worse though haha... Hope you're doing better, and I know we're strangers, but if you need a chat just send a message. ^^
  • @rem520
    I knew it, you are on the spectrum
  • My friend, I thought the same thing, I mean, I thought you asked because you wanted some encouragement but, my man, why the fuck did you say "don't reply all at once"? It sounded like you were trying to trolling
  • @nikoregenerator
    it's sad because that video was actually your magnum opus, i hope you feel better about it.
  • Dude you're taking this all wrong. It's just a funny screw up you made as a kid. Chill out about it, it's so not a big deal. You should just take it in stride.