Maestro + Claude-3.5-Sonnet : Generate any APPLICATION with ONE PROMPT (powered by Claude-Agents)

In this video, I'll be telling you that how you can do Text-To-Application, Frontend, Backend & Anything you can imagine with Claude-3.5 Sonnet based Agents. You can generate any application you want with just One Text Prompt. To do this we'll use Maestro Agent System. You can get it setup immediately and do Text-To-Frontend and Text-To-Application in seconds with Claude-3.5 Sonnet. This Maestro tool can also be used with any opensource LLM, OpenAI models or the other Claude models such as GPT-4O, Claude-3, CodeQwen, Mixtral 8x22b, Mixtral 8x7b, GPT-4, Grok-1.5 & Gemini Code Assist.



Maestro Github Repo :


Key Takeaways:

🌟 Unmatched Coding Capabilities: Discover how Claude 3.5 Sonnet excels in coding tasks, making it an essential tool for developers and tech enthusiasts.

🚀 Easy Application Creation: Learn how to create full applications with just one text prompt, whether it's a desktop app, web app, or game—Claude 3.5 Sonnet simplifies it all.

🔧 Maestro Framework: Understand how the Maestro framework orchestrates subagents with Claude Opus, GPT, and local LLMs to deliver superior results.

📚 Agentic System Explained: Explore the step-by-step process of the agentic system that breaks down tasks into manageable sub-tasks, ensuring high-quality outputs.

🛠️ Versatile Functionality: See how Claude 3.5 Sonnet can generate applications, essays, research, and more, showcasing its versatility and power.

🖥️ Simple Setup and Use: Follow the easy steps to set up the Maestro repo and configure API keys, making it accessible for everyone to start creating.

🎉 Impressive Outputs: Witness the creation of various projects like a web snake game, landing page, and to-do list application, highlighting Claude 3.5 Sonnet's impressive capabilities.



00:00 - Introduction
00:07 - About Claude-3.5 Sonnet
00:55 - About Maestro (Text-To-Application)
01:27 - About Claude-3.5 Sonnet Agent System used by Maestro
02:50 - More about Maestro Text-To-Application
03:35 - Installation
04:29 - Creating Snake Game with Maestro
06:10 - Creating Frontend with Maestro
07:07 - Creating To-Do List app with Maestro
08:07 - Con

コメント (21)
  • Big fan of your videos. This tech has come a REALLY long way in a VERY short amount of time. Here's what I want to see next, or will build if it's not around in a month or so. I need the model to retain context about existing code, especially with regard to interdependent internal libs, code style including Prettier and ESLint instructions, and creating/editing/organizing files consistently with the code base that's there and in intelligent ways when adding new things that aren't mappable to a previous paradigm. For it to be production-worthy, it must also have some concept of the design patterns and UI kits available to it, and know how to operate within those confines. This especially includes conventions and components that aren't on the Internet at large, but instead have been built by a specific team and used in a proprietary way. Once we have each of these available to us, the options for larger projects and enterprise applications will open up quite substantially.
  • can you do a Maestro + DeepSeekV2 Coder Video like this ?
  • So far I've used it to generate two small apps. Web based inventory scanner to use on a tablet as a portable inventory scanning tool. Peptide dose calculator Total cost $0.35 VS Using straight up Opus to design a similar inventory scanner at $20.16 (this one used a backend and connected to the database, the other just made a CSV file on the backend) Nice!
  • @SethMbhele
    I updated my Devika yesterday to use Sonnet 3.5 and the performance was greatly improved. Still not great but i think that’s a framework issue not the model. Will try maestro for sure
  • @mhbakus
    pretty cool video. well done king
  • @chbaha5834
    Does it work with local models like qwen2 or deepseekcoderv2 ? If so is it actually the best llm agent framework?
  • @fkxfkx
    I wonder if we should make a distinction between “serial single agent at a time “ agentic and “multiple concurrent agents “agentic just to be clear about the categories of agentic approaches.
  • Hey someone know if its possible merge MAESTRO with MICROAGENT concept based in generate software with tests??
  • @Tofu3435
    Can i create simple games to my phone without ads/micro translations? Then worth it.
  • I noticed most of the coding agents are doing small projects can we use it to create medium to large size business apps?
  • @NyloXD
    Can you show us a way of, instead of using sonet, we could use a local run llm? Like, my ollama container is on port 8087, how would I use it here? thank you!
  • Any idea what the "Do you want to add a text file?" does? Text file to describe the project or text file to include data etc.. ?? First test was a success. Thank you !!!
  • Can it be used to improve on current code base? One thing I have been struggle with this type of system is it is great to generate some POC but if you want to iteratively improve on it, it start to struggle to understand the context
  • Great video. Curious to know the cost for each app you generated.