Story Games: Winter Night ~|~ With Ruby and Anno ~|~

Published 2021-12-26
Ruby, Anno and I played Winter Night, a very talkative story game. Although most of the story game was just characters talking, and the game telling us to walk places, it was rather enjoyable to play. It was very disappointing when Anno got disconnected, and when the game stopped working all together, Ruby and I were kind of annoyed, and I was certainly disappointed.

Although I do not currently have social media links for Anno and Ruby, I will tell you that both of them are on wattpad. Anno's name is AnnoOfc (I think) and Ruby is i hate life (nomoresphagetti or smth like that maybe with different spelling) I remember Ruby specifically telling me that her wattpad name was misspelled. Ruby also has TikTok, and I do not know her account name, I just know that most of her videos are private so there isn't a lot on her TikTok.

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