Tekken 8's BIGGEST Problem...

Published 2024-04-15

All Comments (21)
  • @BanditTools
    Most frustrating thing has the been the community response to the whole thing. So many people talking about “you are not entitled to a re-match”. While i don’t disagree with the sentiment, the fact of the matter is MAJORITY of people not giving rematches is to retain points or because their Ego can’t take a loss. Tekken community is allergic to calling a spade a spade.
  • They should give a little bonus rank to the winner of a full set. Meaning if you make it to game 3 the winner gets maybe 100 additional points. That way people are encouraged to stay.
  • @Unknownengima0
    I also hate it when you take the first set then your opponent takes the next set then just leaves. Its like bro come on..........
  • The manners in tekken are insane. People get insanely pissed if you land one low hit and start spamming lows in the orange ranks, then in the red ranks they ALWAYS try to kick you after the round ends. But if you do the same to them? Good god, you think you’d killed their beloved pet the way they lose their shit
  • @ArchsSpace
    Honestly I don't know why more fighting games don't take a note out of Killer Instinct's book and just force the best of 3 if you're in a ranked setting. Gold vs Killer or Killer vs Killer matches require one player to win two matches before they get any points. I'm a firm believer that this should be a standard going forward for all ranked modes, without limiting it to high ranks. Specifically because of this issue; the system calls you out for being a fraud if you can't adapt.
  • @ByrneBaby
    Losing is part of the fun, because then you can learn. Rank systems add this layer of intensity where people focus solely on the climb and are TERRIFIED of the fall, which is part of growing as a player, and even a person, in any setting. You gotta fail before you fly, but these fighting games with ladders inherently tell players they're bad or it's bad to lose through negative reinforcement and people with Max's mentality become the exception, not the rule, which flies in the face of fighting games as a whole.
  • @KiddCrowley
    I think a way to solve this is to incentivise people to run the set back rather than just one and doneing, whether that's higher Tekken Prowess awarded for completing a 3 match set or higher reward points for the Battle Pass Missions. I don't know.
  • @dmgeno
    It was definitely shocking going from Street Fighter 6 where in my 500 hours I've only had 2 people in Ranked that I can remember that quit out before the set was over because they were on the brink of death; then going to Tekken 8 and it happens all the time, and NO ONE rematches.
  • @simakida2957
    Lol I play fighting games to just kick people and survive as long as I can. I can win, lose, or draw. I don't be caring too much if they spam, troll, or pick a "top tier" character. I just enjoy understanding patterns and having fun with the character I like.
  • @James-gj8rn
    For me it's annoying when people just disconnect mid game, it just ruins the game man (be ready for a challenge if you want to play online and don't ruin the game for other players like me smh)
  • @jonasranatza
    Recently I played a match against a Lars and lost. The guy refused the rematch and added me in a group chat called “OWNED” which was full of people he’s one and doned. Every now and then he’ll send a clip to it saying “lol look how I destroyed this guy” and more often than not, it is always the last round with one hit to take it for either side
  • @ZGamingGuy
    When playing in elite smash, i faced a guy playing as sonic. He would hang around the edge, constantly charging his rolling attacks, and just wait for you to approach. The moment you get hit off stage, he would use his spring to try and gimp your jump and kill you. If he got up by a stock, he would RUN AWAY for the rest of the match, to time you out. Oh, and he would set the timer to the shortest possible. It was infuriating. I happen to get him again a couple matches later, but this time i got up by one stock. So i gave him a taste of hos own medicine and avoided him the whole time. But just before the match ends, he quits...so i dont gain any points...yeah he was blocked after that
  • @cluelesslink16
    I feel the exact same way when someone one and dones me. Let me adapt bro, come on.
  • @jashybro
    Honestly more like a problem in fighting games in general
  • @joetarokujo2960
    I get being pissed when if ppl do a 1 and done on ranked. Its proper form to give them the rematch. Here's the thing though. Once you get to the blue levels, if you lose 3 ranked games in a row you lose 1k points on the 3rd game no matter the rank. Even below blue there's the fact that you lose the same amount of points to people ranked above you, and lose fewer points if you lose to ppl ranked below you. The biggest reason I'll skip rematches isn't even the opponent, its the stages. If I'm playing Kazuya, my big damage relies entirely on there being a wall. So if I get colloseum or whatever the tree place is, I don't get the wall. I don't have combos to get them close enough to the wall, so I gotta compromise by going for reset setups which I have very few of. And this gets even more infuriating when you're up against Dragunov or Lee who can just carry you to just shy of the wall from center stage off of their combos. In short, if I replay on those stages I am effectively handicapping myself. A lot of ppl in here talk about how you should just rematch to learn... but this ranking system doesn't encourage that.
  • I got my fun out of Tekken 8. Great gameplay, but after awhile the over-tuned top tier characters/moves and a complete lack of a system to handle quitting just burns me out on the experience. I'd still rate it highly as I got plenty of hours out of it, just being honest with why I stopped. Went back to Street Figher 6 and enjoying it greatly again.
  • One thing that gets to me is when my opponent beats me, rematches me, then quits if I beat them, effectively leaving the set 1-1 Honestly grinds my gears more than a one and done
  • @VBrancoPT
    Remember when playing games was mostly more about having fun? Sadly, fun has left the building.