Evo Japan 2024 - Yagami (Reina) vs DRX|Knee (Feng)

Publicado 2024-05-02

Todos los comentarios (16)
  • @chipzeeh
    killer set again, good stuff yagami
  • Muchas felicidades viejo, realmente hiciste algo increible, espero que sigas creciendo como jugador y llegues muy lejos, ojala saques un video tutorial de como usar a reina, saludos desde bolivia
  • @devoreking
    Biggest smile on my face when i saw the f2 because i knew what was coming after
  • @edsoad
    Hell yeah. The unblockable was skitz
  • @setoace
    Knee, Ulsan all got whooped their @ss by a Reina player Yagami, particularly Ulsan who claimed to be Reina main yet jumped to Azucena for cheese only to get beaten by Reina.
  • @yoj99_
    The F2 into unsoku into ouhen cancel in the end was just chef's kiss, good stuff! 😁
  • @utakotoba
    is yagami and yamagi online the same person?
  • @Tea-Tay-ah
    These are the kind of friends you want around on a tournament set. Not over bearing, but reassuring when needed. Honestly just hearing “All good” when you mess up, can help a lot. “All good, that’s still good damage!” When dropping an EWGF combo is so wholesome.