Half-Polish (Vandal) Defender of Western Empire, Stilicho (Stowikow), Yet Slavs 'Didn't Exist'?

Published 2023-04-16

All Comments (17)
  • 0:36 Ancient name Vistula is what we now call Oder, and ancient Chronius is now called Vistula. Thus ancient Germania was much smaller. And it was mostly slavic anyway, because ancient authors differentiated Germans from Scandinavians. Slavs is just a new term which was taken from one scythic group of tribes called Sclaveni to mean all scythian people. Also ancient term Scythians meant people inhabiting land between Rhein and Don, iranic/turkic/mongolic people have nothing to do with Scythians. Ancient Germani were one subgroup of Scythians.
  • @MylesEFlynn
    Since you focus so much on language, I thought I would share my theory. I would suggest that past cataclysms were so loud that survivors would be rendered deaf. This could have resulted in a total loss of existing language, especially among groups that had no written language. This would result in an entire generation of visual communicators until the next generation was born.
  • Charles, regarding Stilicho, check "Licho" in Polish wikipedia (English: Likho) and sti - sto 🙂
  • Third video for the day! Something I had to get off my chest!!!! STILICHO. Polish has soft l and hard l. This is a soft l = w.
  • @tombra7
    Radagais seems to be Radegast , but Slavs existed much before these events, and even further west and south, most latin tribes have slavic names, also some british like Trinovantes (Trzcinowianie) Ordowīcī (Rodowicze)
  • @ZiggyDan
    Another great dissection. Where did the tribes of Doggerland go to?
  • @russelljt3525
    Do you think there is any truth to Wilson & Blackett's theory that the Vandals ended up in Britain as the Mercians? If so, why did they cease to be called Vandals?
  • Vandals and Venedi are Serbia even today Germans call Lusatian Sorbs Wends
  • @phiszabo2
    Charles the Great! with the Tardis reference!
  • @0harris0
    do you know that Veneti/Venedi peoples are also supposed to have been in Brittany and SW England around Roman times?!
  • @terryi8910
    Another great video Charles, thanks ostro goths or eastern goths were non germanic speakers . I wonder what they were hmmmm 👍🙏
  • The Suebic-Vandals and other Alemannic peoples were not Slavs. They were Germanics that inhabited lands that were subsequently settled by slavs — in a manner no different than the former lands of the Illyrians, Pannonians, and Dalmatae being conquered/settled by Southern Slavs; or the lands of the Raeti being conquered/settled by Germanics.
  • @Rok_Piletic
    Todays Germans don't speak German (laand area) but Deutch (language)
  • @jamesr2622
    @The Time Detective The Gothic Chief Radagaisus has a name that is obviously reminiscent or, in homage, to the Slavic pagan god Radogost.; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radogost_(mythology)