Potting Up My Overwintered Dahlias, Geraniums, and Elephant Ears//First Summer ‘Container’ Of 2024!

Better late than never! Today I am finally potting up my overwintered Dahlias, Geraniums, and Elephant Ears! I do wish I would have done so a month ago to really give them a good head start. Nonetheless, I am giving them some time to put on some growth before transplanting into my flower beds. That way I can control the growing conditions a little better and observe if there are any tubers that will not be viable for planting. I stored my Dahlias and Elephant Ears using the styrofoam cooler/saran wrap method and the paper bag method for my geraniums. I am so pleased with the outcome for all!

____For the Garden____
Dramm Compact Garden Shears

Plant tone Fertilizer

Wire Cloches to Protect Plants from Bunnies

Garden Gloves

Hori Hori Knife (similar to what I have)

Garden Weasel Bulb Planter

Good Directions Copper Roof Bird House

Galvanized Watering Can (similar to what I have)

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コメント (6)
  • This past fall, I did not want to throw away my 3 larger geraniums, so I cleaned them out making sure no bugs will come indoors, and put them in new soil in my indoor pots. I had to water them twice a week, they were in front of the patio doors, getting sunlight. In March, they started to bloom. Last week, I transplanted them outside in my outdoor containers. They are so pretty and making more new blooms. I cut some of the branches off and have them in water bottles, trying to have them root, so I can have more. Never thought of putting them in a bag in my cellar. I'll be watching yours to see how they do. This is my first time doing this. It was a lot of fun.
  • Wow, I never tried to winter over geraniums. I am really looking forward to seeing how they and the dahlias do. It will certainly save you money with the high cost of everything right now. Your tulips are still looking good! 🌺🥀🌺
  • @newt52864
    Love Lancaster nurseries 🤩 PA wants $7 for a PW annual :( Thanks for sharing :)
  • I overwintered two dahlia tubers, for the first time. I potted them up and kept them inside for a few weeks till they showed some growth. Now they're outside. Hopefully they will do well. I hope yours will too! It looks like summer will be here soon!
  • @itsmewende
    I left all my dahlias 2 yrs ago, some came back some were rotten. Talk about stink, those were really horrible. I noticed one coming back a couple weeks ago, they bumped the shore to 8a last yr. I sowed apple blossom gerainum this yr, they germinated in days, I was so surprised. Do you have a Costco near you, I see some gardeners buy Longfield garden tubers and bulbs there. I would love to visit that greenhouse, I've map it from my Grandson 😊