"The Spook Skelly Crew" Official Trailer

Published 2019-07-29
"The Spook Skelly Crew" by TJ Ski
Published by Three Ply Chord
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It’s HALLOWEEN night!

Follow SKELLY on a spooky undertaking as he gathers monsters in the graveyard to join his SPOOK SKELLY CREW. Will DRACULA, FRANKENSTEIN, the WEREWOLF, and the MUMMY go willingly or perhaps SKELLY will get the shock of his AFTERLIFE!

Skelly is a young skeleton who is looking for other creatures to join his group! Grab your milk, have a healthy dose of CALCIUM and BONE UP on the Great Skeleton War before reading this "SPOOPY" scary story! TJ Ski, aka Three Ply Chord to his Youtube following, is a confirmed ghost story, and horror film addict. Always preferring the lighter side of Halloween, he wrote a book for children, tweens and teens alike!
And if you're an adult with a passion for All-Things-Spooky, poetry, or eerie art of tombstones, then this may be right up your CEMETERY! 40 beautifully illustrated, hand-painted black and white watercolor pictures help tell this poetic story.

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