Finding Random Stuff On The Negelected Allotment (Procrastinating Basically)

I don't think I can be bothered to do anything too useful today so I decided to go and have a look for somethings in other overgrown parts of the site.

コメント (21)
  • Great you dug out the compost darlek :-) part of the epic journey of clearing the site . On our council allotment it is illegal to have tyres. Please spread the word that they leech toxins and chemicals into the soil and into your crops, as well as micro plastics. Please remove from around your strawberry tower x I speak from experience of clearing my plot, which included 2 fruit trees with tyres around them. The council spend hundreds of pounds having staff come with massive industrial chainsaw to remove them as they have steel cores.
  • @CWorgen5732
    I know what you mean about animals in the compost, mine is currently a cardboard box with peelings and scraps in it. No problems for two months, then yesterday a RAVEN was perched on the edge, flinging coffee filters and banana peels everywhere. He did it again today!

    Honestly, I'm happy to have ravens, but I would rather leave out pumpkin seeds than have bits thrown around 😅
  • @Sylvie_M
    Fun projects! The measure of a true gardener is when you can be kind to yourself and have a day off from any heavy work.
  • You can wrap a few layers of carpet around the compost bin it helps to keep the wind off the plastic
  • @gustavo519
    I hear the fava in the falafel goes very nicely with some Chianti
  • I've had an allotment for a month, all the beds were covered with tarp, I thought great ready to plant up!! Turns out the whole allotment is riddled with bindweed!! reminds me of the red weed from War of The Worlds! If I didn't know better I would swear he was cultivating the stuff. I know what you mean about the rodents, was on my friends allotment yesterday, he took the lid off his compost bin and found a nest of mice looking up at him.
  • @gubbins1933
    Thanks for the update. It may indeed have plenty yet to do but it's a world away from where you started.

    The cheeky comments are fun too.
  • Nice to have some great ppl on the site. Zaman is a top bloke i enjoy his videos, reminds me of my dad who also lives in my home town Birmingham. 😁🌱
  • You should check out the new allotment I’ve just taken on. Full of rubbish and plastic. Am thinking it will take a year of just cleaning!
  • Brilliant! I've managed to get 60 to 70 Deg C out of a dalek compost bins, I have three, and three wheelie bins with holes drilled in, excellent composters.
  • Just found your channel watched loads yesterday cant wait for next instalment grandson and i have two plots both needed lots of work and clearing that was 5 years ago now looking good ..and he hoping to get a placing at Kew ...having an allotment can be very rewarding good luck
  • I found rats make gorgeous compost. they make it really fine and rich. Just don't stir it up when its dry and dusty, or you could get a lungful of disease. Otherwise though, a rat family can actually help out
  • Are you able to share the falafel recipe with us? Sounds amazing!
  • @cassiedog101
    Mental what people leave behind! I've spent nearly a year clearing my new plot! So much buried into the ground!
  • @L_Martin
    Your allotment neighbours seem really nice!
  • @EricOnYouTube
    At work we use the tumbler type of composters. They work great for keeping the vermin out.
  • @HootMaRoot
    With how long some waiting lists are for allotments. It amazes me, how many allotments over the last few years I have seen on youtube in a similar condition to yours and even some complete sites overgrown and unused
  • On our site when a plotholder leaves and they've taken what they wanted, everything is up for grabs until a new tennant sees the plot and takes it on.