Is Ashes Of Creation Overly Complicated & Ambitious?

Publicado 2024-05-18

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • Amongst the coterie of AoC You Tubers that I follow on a regular basis, there have always been doubts and questions about the announced scope of the game. I don't think any of the veterans with experience in many other games had taken it for granted that every announced feature or mechanic will appear in the final game, at least not by launch. Also, one important thing to remember is that many of the more complex game features are by design restricted to limited segments of the playerbase (the ruling elites), so many casual players will never be engaged in them.
  • @JohnAPrescott
    I don't think it will be over complicated. Two months in and evryone (non alpha2 peeps) will have a good basic understanding of the game. Because everyone and their mother will be streaming it. Im glad for the complexity. We dont want a cookie cutter that is understood in two weeks....then people get bored. I believe the crafting system and potion making proffessions will be the true gem of this game. When you throw in the ability to get bonuses by uncluding rare elements into your formula...great things will happen...and those people that make these things and stuff will be HIGHLY sought after, and they will make a ton of money. I havent seen one ounce of so called scope creep yet. They have a design bible and based off what Steven has said they're not adding to it or taking away from it. Also, Steven is hard headed enough to make this work. He is an avid gamer after all. Good video! Keep them coming!
  • @AithosRP
    I absolutely HATE that you felt the need to brand yourself as 'ashes of creation'.....
  • The node system is as "complicated" as sovereing space is in Eve online. For 99% of the players it will be i do stuff and the node progresses. Only those officers in charge for attacking / defending nodes will have to know the inside out of the system. The same analogy can be drawn for most of the systems. eg Story line events. People see the popup and do the quest for the rewards they pick what seems intresting etc. Only the people intrested in specific benefits of a storyline will want to know how to trigger certain stuff in the storyline, or the storyline itself. So no i don't think Ashes will become over complicated. The only concern i have is that there is so much to do, that some people might quit before they found a thing that they love to do in Ashes.
  • @Beauchee
    Video resume from 1:55 to 2:03. Mr Sharif, please address this issue, thank you. Instead of Tank, may I suggest the Ironclad.
  • @c-jhughes2481
    I think the most important thing that, to me, is lacking is an environment that wants you to stay in. I see realism but not a real soul, and there isnt going to be a steadfast heart like Ogrimmar (i dont play wow) where people hang out and do nothing productive. Thats what will keep people playing... and I dont see it.
  • Everything is complicated, but you won’t see the complicated. You won’t notice the complexity when playing.
  • @joshuawyatt4737
    The problem is that MMO players crave complexity, but most of our current MMO's built up that complexity over years of expansions. Getting into any of those games now is daunting because you have to catch up with all of that content. AoC actually looks far less complicated than WOW or FF14. But we all understand those games because the complexity was layered onto our base knowledge over time.
  • @Grux_ASG
    Its a nothing burger, not too complicated
  • @agogo8861
    i am worrried it will be crushed under its own weight. its taking too long to come out.
  • @hggpi
    i dont wanna insult or anything but are you balding? really important question considering the mmo playerbase
  • @MrGrimord
    They should keep the naval content for the first expantion to release the game quickier.
  • This game is already doomed before launched And It is now an instanced world. They lied to you since day 1 Time to wake up
  • @veil1792
    No. People are just used to being fed dogshit games.