10 Game Of Thrones Fates Worse Than Death

Published 2021-01-31

All Comments (21)
  • @EagleRaid2
    The Martell's fate was probably the most horrifying in the dungeon but in terms of pure suffering i think Theon takes the cake. Castrated, bodyparts removed whenever Ramsay felt like it and brutal mind torture until there was absolutely nothing left of Theon's personality but a shaking lost broken soul
  • I feel like the list is backwards. Having to walk naked through the town is not worse than watching your child die before you and then starving to death.
  • @xxxlawlessxxx1
    I don't see how Shireen Baratheon being burned at the stake scene isn't in the top 10. Hearing her scream with her parents watching and her Father doing nothing was haunting.
  • Khal Drogo could've made this list too. A proud warrior and leader who was forced to sit and helplessly watch his life and khalasar fall apart. His mercy killing at the hands of his own wife was pretty sad
  • @x2ember347
    Walking naked while getting trash thrown at you is number one, but theon being brutally tortured beyond imagination is number 10???
  • @Hawk1966
    Finding out the origin of Hodor's mental affliction broke my heart. He was a true and good person from beginning to his end.
  • I think they forgot about the man that Varys kept locked in a box with his mouth sewed shut.
  • @jaketaz2848
    You missed a big one: The entire fandom having to watch season eight.
  • @Sisimor
    Ellaria doesn't even die from starvation. After poisoning her daughter, Cersei says that she'll be given food and if Ellaria refuses to eat, they'll force-feed her. So we can assume that she didn't actually die until the entire building collapsed on season 8 and kept seeing her daughter's body every day until that because Cersei also made sure the torchlights are kept burning. So... There's that. 😶
  • @PoorRick
    I was thinking the lady who shouted "shame" at Cercei had a pretty bad end in the dungeon
  • I can’t even imagine the absolute horror going through Martel’s brain being forced to watch her daughter decompose and she can’t even hold her while she dies. I get that it’s revenge on a revenge but mentally that’s just…indescribable.
  • @saulwalle
    Cersi's walk of shame was actually a show of strength IMO. It's when you could really see that she would stop at nothing to accomplish her goals
  • @dcaynes5
    I would argue that Theon's torture is worst than the walk of shame both mentally and definitely physically and worst then everything else on that list
  • @jooplin
    Starting off with Theon Greyjoy Well, this can’t be good
  • @AceJoker72
    You forgot Unella, the nun that tortured Cersei, then made her do the walk of shame. She gets locked in the dungeon for the moutian to drag out her death and cause as much pain as possible for as long as he could
  • I'd say Theon had it worse than Jamie. Jamie was able to find himself again afterwards. Theon was so broken he never did.
  • Honestly having theon tortured to flip him from a hate able character to a sympathetic one was brilliant writing
  • @Teezysenpai
    I feel like the guy who was locked in a vault by danerys also had a pretty shitty fate
  • I'd definitely do the walk of shame before I die. Tbh Theons torture was much worse than most of the ones listed. It was akin to a full frontal lobotomy without actually removing parts of the brain and having it happen while conscious during a prolonged and indefinite time.
  • @67Lich
    How the hell is Theon's torture number 10? lmao