The Untold Truth Of The Night King

Published 2019-05-12
While there have been plenty of human villains who have risen up during Game of Thrones’ eight seasons, fans were eagerly awaiting the inevitable attack of the White Walkers on Westeros from the very beginning. In the fourth season, we first met the leader of the White Walkers, who had the ominous name of the Night King.

We eventually learned a bit about the character’s backstory, even if he remained quite mysterious until the moment he died. From the truth about the actor who played him to the wild theory about him and Bran, let’s take a look at the untold truth of the Night King.

#GoT #GameOfThrones #TVShow

Played by a stuntman | 0:00
One of the First Men | 1:12
Unintended consequences | 2:03
Late in the Game | 2:31
Different from the books | 3:10
Erase the world's memory | 3:53
The Night Bran? | 4:48
A Night nobleman | 5:36
Not much to go on | 6:24
You're fired | 7:11
Night King dethroned | 7:56
One last, long night | 8:49

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All Comments (21)
  • @Commanderziff
    The most amazing thing about this show was how Bran spent so long developing super powers, yet still managed to contribute nothing useful to the story.
  • @chikipichi5280
    Years of training as an assassin just to scream as you're sneaking up on someone
  • @weareorigin
    D and D turned the Night King into a Scooby Doo villian of the week.
  • @Curt15x
    The fact that there was no additional back story for the night king just pisses me off
  • The hype surrounding the Night King that spanned 7 seasons, and then. He just became nothing but a MID-SEASON VILLAIN lmaoo!!
  • George rr martin: "I don't like evil characters being evil for the sake of being evil." The way david and dan decided to end white walkers plot without explaining their true motives was really frustrating
  • @ishi__kun9516
    The Starks have their wolves The Targaryens have their dragons Where are the Lannister’s lions? Cersei: WHERE ARE MY ELEPHANTS?!!
  • Sauron fighting for 10 seconds will be more remembered than 10 years of Night King. Well played D&D.
  • @Tofilux
    Night king: Bad writing: Im about to end this man's career
  • @L1Run
    I think at this point we can be fairly certain that the reason the writers didn't say where all this was going is because they didn't know wtf they were doing.
  • @RoryThePanda
    8:30 "Thanks to years of training as an assassin and with the element of surprise, Arya was finally able to put an end to the Night King." Oh, I didn't realize jumping and screaming was part of the element of surprise.
  • @zainm9015
    "untold thruth" learned nothing new about the NK D&D would be so proud of you
  • @04hutchn
    At this point who cares? We arent going to find out anything about him. All that build up for Nothing!!!
    Years...years I spent speculating, and super interested in Knight King. I just knew he had some ties to a main character...thought there would be some epic final fight scene...I was so hyped...then he was poked by a teenager and shattered...just like my hype for the entire series 😫😫
  • I felt like Bran was the most useless character of all time. By the time this episode had ended, I personally wanted to kill Bran just thinking about how useless and thankless he was the entire show. Edit: I just realised Bran gave Arya the valyrian knife because he knew she was going to kill the Night King
  • @Cenotaur1
    NK was my fav character. I wish Tywin Lannister was alive for the battle of winterfell. Would be interesting to see his strategy.
  • @gudavtorden
    The biggest disappointment was not seeing Jon Snow on a sword fight against the Night King, Aria could kill others, but they missed a chance of an epic fight.
    Was the most mysterious guy in the series... and then all of a sudden was killed by Arya. Very unspectacular.