Even MORE Class Changes

Published 2024-07-17
Even MORE Class Changes

All Comments (21)
  • @SolitaryJarhead
    Healing a from a single event once is not the same as healing from a single event at a time.
  • @davidmiller6975
    That’s not what the deathstrike nerf meant. Death strike heals for a percentage of Dmg taken in the last 5 sec, the change is not that you only heal from the most recent source of Dmg, but that you can only heal from each instance of Dmg once (making using death strike within a 5 sec window of another death strike nerfed)
  • The enhancment changes are actually amazing lol. So many nerfs, but enhance is chillin.
  • @senteria
  • @attinger117
    I think you misunderstanding the death strike Nerf. Each individual instance of damage will still count towards death strike healing, but only one time so in your example, the death strike will heal you based on that chaos bolt and the little tick of damage. Previously, you could death strike back to back in all damage taken within a certain amount of time would count for both of those.
  • @NDM100
    Why are people acting like the Death Strike nerf is major? You STILL heal from recent damage (past 5 seconds) its just if you are spamming DS you cant benefit from ONE Chaos Bolt hit 2x just because youre spamming. Get a big hit, DS. Wait a few sec, big hit, DS, wait a few sec. This is how DS was always intended to be used and how DK's over 2200 actually use the ability. Its rare you'll see Mes use 2x DS back to back.
  • @MomsterGirl
    Taking as much healing as possible and putting it into the healers is BEAUTIFUL. My only concern is for PvP, I absolutely despise how crushingly meta healer comps are.
    I hope Snupy stays away from beta for a while so they don't readjust feral
  • @stocky9803
    Are tanks really getting it that bad? It seems to me that with the big stamina increases they are going to have absolutely enormous health pools and the percentage drops on some of their abilities are being reduced to fall in line with this increase of health?
  • @glndopangamer
    Imo they should revert pvp changes in every single pre patch and start from scratch just like they are doing right now. Avoids the problem we had with Glacial Spike and Comet Storm for exemple, they got nerfed in Legion and were only unnerfed in last patch of Shadowlands. We had no idea why our Glacial was hitting like a wet noodle.
  • @CP_Tacti
    Having a 1 minute Doom Winds on Enhancement is actually so rad. It's such a short uptime and so easy to stop, having it at 90 and not lining up with our other CDs was a bummer.
  • @taden2007
    Rug pulled out right at the end, wtf
  • @Vondarkstar
    Still gotta slow you down to .75 speed bc it sounds like you’re trying to audition to be an esports commentator instead of reviewing patch notes..
  • @kalleanka2796
    Good stuff, obviously it will take a couple of passes to balance things. But I like the direction.
  • @sagenod440
    7:05 Titan’s grift: What Aman’thul has been doing in the Warcraft universe