Deepest Mandelbrot Zoom Ever! 10^1502

Publicado 2012-08-03
I now hold the world record.

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @carykh
    Yeah, this was a joke! lolololololol I wonder if I fooled anyone... Anyway, I think if I WERE to do this zoom legitimately, which I would never do, it would take about 10^210 iterations at the final zoom - because each new minibrot requires about 3 times more iterations than the one before it.
  • @thejogman
    i just like how youtube's compression algorithm just absolutely destroys everything
  • @veev167
    As much as I love deep Mandelbrot zooms, couldn't you have chosen a more interesting place to zoom in to?
  • @tymewiz806
    please zoom into some of the pink static
  • @igorjosue8957
    alternative title: zooming into a pink static with a line of mandelbrots sets
  • LAST FRAME: 2 * 10^413 ITERATIONS!!! Actually, from Ultra Fractal by experiment, a magnification of 55.25 times (+/- 1 in 2000 parts at most) causes no visible shift from one West Brot to its next West Brot. So, the ratio of the logarithms of the magnification to iteration increase is log(55.25)/log(3.000) = 3.652. Given that the final West Brot is at 10^1502.1 magnification, this means it is the 1502/log(55.25) = 862.12 = 862nd West Brot - you can count if I'm wrong. The cumulative error would be at most (1.0005)^862 = 1.5386 < 55.25. Then there would be 3^862 * 100 = 1.899 * 10^413 iterations in the last frame! (Check: 1502 / 3.652 = 411.28 + 2 = 413.28) Sorry to split hairs, but this would undoubtedly be an UNPRECEDENTED RECORD IN ITERATIONS (10^413.3), much higher than the 10^210 estimate!
  • @oosh9057
    About a minute into a video, I just thought "Anyone could just loop this and it would be the same thing... oh wait" hahaha
  • @jakethewolfie119
    if i could make a livestream that would last forever, i would use this with a counter in the corner counting the iterations XD
  • @B_boy5239
    Zooming into a minibrot and doing the exact same thing on the minibrot repeat
  • @zephynum
    i dont know why but this shape is creepy for me
  • @YesIamJames
    Pretty close to what I got. My estimate was 2 * 10^200 iterations, approx 20 times the iterations per million times zoom was my working. Hadn't thought it through fully before but if you had every computer on earth rendering for the age of the universe you'd get approximately a 10^170th of the way through rendering a single pixel on the last frame! Now my brain hurts!
  • @l.p4251
    I love how this is a cycle that the fact that they are so many mandelbrot main figures
  • @fernozzle
    How can you be so sure that this is is not a legitimate zoom?
  • @zettaton
    just 12 minutes of zooming repeatedly into this one minibrot which is surrounded by compressed pink tv static.
  • @themandel2017
    Cool! That is what happens when you zoom into the biggest minibrot in the Mandelbrot, and zoom into the biggest minibrot on that minibrot, a minibrot within a minibrot...