Grizzly Hills | World of Warcraft Music & Ambience, Wrath of the Lich King: Classic, by Everness

Published 2022-07-04
One of my favorite fictional worlds is Azeroth from the Warcraft franchise. Grizzly Hills is known as one of the most iconic zones from Wrath of the Lich King, primarily because of it's captivating environmental music.
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To learn more about the Warcraft franchise, check it out here:

The footage in this video was captured by Everness. Check out their channel for some of the best World of Warcraft ambience on YouTube:
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I do not own any of the visuals or audio in my videos and my channel is not monetized. All ads direct revenue to the respective copyright owners through the Content ID system. Please check out the copyright links to the original music in the links below. Videos on my channel are removed immediately upon request from the copyright owners or YouTube

All Comments (21)
  • @Dovahninja
    "We didn't know we were making memories. We just knew we were having fun."
  • @philippehenri740
    Grizzly Hills was a great zone, for sure, but I refuse to believe the reason this music speaks to us on such a level is because of that alone. This music speaks to us because that's the kind of peace we all seek, we're all drawn to it, the log cabin in the woods, a warm fire, a calm river, and not a worry in the world. That's a calling most people will feel in their lives, it's hardwired in us, and this music clearly speaks to that very part of us.
  • @liamashton645
    Logging in at 6am on a day off work was just bliss. Great memories.
  • @athras8822
    Roughly 12 years ago, I can't tell you how many times I've fallen asleep to the music of this zone in hunt of Arcturis with NPC alert on
  • @ideki
    I lost count of how much time I have went to that region just to listen to the music and the wind in the trees. Thank you for this.
  • @krognak
    How is nostalgia so painful yet so...warming? It's like a strange voluntarily sadistic experience. How can a piece of music make you yearn so strongly for a time gone by - inducing this achingly melancholic but happy emotion that it happened, even though you didn't even realise it was a good thing until time had passed? I struggle to fathom why it is how it is; why this piece of music hits the heart right in the feels for so many people. How an intonation can evoke a response so raw and deep. Why I keep coming back to it, even though it chokes me up with mixed emotions for reasons I can't quite comprehend. All I know is...if someone offered to take me back, knowing what I know now, experiencing what I have over the years - I'd take them up on it, instantly.
  • @muddbucket51
    I caught myself glued to this looking to see if Arcturis was there
  • @Vyngraven
    To think this zone/music was released 14 years ago, and many people still cherish it.
  • @newbrand249
    I hear snippets of the same feelings this awakens, in Azure Span ambience in Dragonflight
  • @Randomcorpse
    This music always made me want to retire to the Grizzly Hills, stop adventuring, and just building a cabin somewhere there, and fish.
  • @mr.nobody2244
    14 years ago i learned to love Grizzly Hills. 14 years later i will learn to love Grizzly Hills again. Time went by so fast, but the memories remained. Absolutely stoked for Wotlk classic.
  • @CarlCampbell
    Does this zone's music instill a sense of sweet melancholy on anyone else or is it just me?
  • @HydraMods
    Wrath has such a magical feeling. You can really get a sense of how much love went into it
  • @atticus3532
    I recently realised that I can help my newborn get to sleep with calm music. So this may now be my favourite video on the internet
  • @SungazerDNB
    I started playing World of Warcraft in 2004, my stepdad at the time was working with 999 games (the boardgame company) and they received a couple of Alpha Keys to give to their employees. - I was lucky enough that my stepdad was able to snatch one extra. And I was instantly hooked. - I played religiously until about 2010. - Never forget!
  • The amount of nostalgia I have with WoW is unreal. I wasn't one of the people who played for hours a day for years, but I played during some very key parts of my life. I remember discovering the game when I was 13 and the kid down the street showed me on his PC. Then in middleschool and highschool I'd remember that game and pick it up again, play with friends, discover new places. All those times are gone now and those people are memories, but I'll never forget them.
  • @adamscott5622
    In the falling dusk the heartbeat of memories sounds above the panting breath of invading silence and loud are the footsteps of time that once was but will never be again -Evening Nostalgia by Nosheen Irfan
  • The musics of WOW is the definition of teenage hood for a lot of people.
  • Best music of the best expansion. WoW was an enormous part of my life for close to 10 years. I started playing when vanilla came out. BC was terrific, but WotLK was easily my favourite. So many wonderful memories! Can't believe how long ago that was. Time sure does fly..