Putin cornered as UK considers long-range missiles to counter Kremlin’s nuclear threat

“They do think that Putin could use nuclear weapons.”

Defence editor at The Times, Larisa Brown, tells Times Radio’s Jo Crawford about the UK’s plans to collaborate with Germany on building long-range missiles to counter Putin’s nuclear threat.

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コメント (21)
  • @bigdada018
    Blessings, peace and luck from California to Ukraine. 🙏🙏☮🍀💛💙
  • Europe needs its own independent pool of long range nuclear tactical weapons to keep that monster in his box. And three years to prepare for war - what have the Tories been doing this past 14 years, we should be prepared now, what a mess.
  • Not true that the uk only has storm shadow ! We have Tomahawk cruise missiles for one
  • What is she talking about the uk have tomahawk cruis missiles with range of 1500 miles and of course our nukes with several thousand mile range
  • I am sure that this must have been very interesting, if only I could have heard it. Pls check your sound levels.
  • 2.5 percent of GDP is no where near enough try 5 percent that's more like it we where spending that in the 80s 2.5 percent won't make no difference how do u think we will have to spend if we went to war in ww2 it went over 40 percent of GDP and one stage spend more now
  • @gdm2417
    Wouldn't Scotland be a better site for long-range thingies? I just checked the distance; also much of it over water. Of course, the SNP would be wetting themselves, but there's the kilt advantage. It's all adding up.
  • Uk got 65 tomahawk missles we need more long range missles but we have got .
  • @Isitar
    Long overdue – they have to be faster! So glad UK leads again, concerning EU security. Thx for vid.
  • The UK does not need longer range tactical nuclear missiles, we have ballistic missiles to do that. Plus Germany does not have nuclear weapons at all. These missiles will be used to deliver conventional explosives. What we need is long range anti missile systems like the Patriot systems. We also need to develop cheap tactical drones and anti drone systems and doctrine. It would also be helpful if we had a credible army. Europe needs to come together to develop the required weapons as a whole. At the moment we have 4 types of tanks, multiple types of infantry fighting vehicles, artillery systems and everything else. To develop all these different systems is a massive waste of money.
  • @jettserUK17
    If Putler cant stand the heat then he should get out of Ukraine! 🇬🇧🇺🇦🗺️
  • @boxcutter0
    Will working with Germany limit their usability if onerous restrictions are placed on them (thinking of Ukraine). Air defense, missiles, and sea drones are the perfect niche for GB/UK to focus on.
  • @TheLAGopher
    It would be a better use of tax payer funds to build a couple of more ballistic missile subs to have more survivable deterrence at sea at any given time.
  • @goonerboz6023
    Sounds absolutely insane to play Russian nuclear roulette
  • @EppingBlogger
    Labour woeking more with "Europe" means the Labour government wants to rejoin the EU. NATO is the cooperation we should follow, not the EU which demands political integration. We just voted to leave that and freedom has not yet been delivered.
  • Putin couldn't afford to rebuild Ukraine even if he succeeded . It's a loose loose situation for Putin who has made a massive mistake and can't go back
  • @SuperPsydude
    I'm sorry, clearly neither of you are remotely qualified to have this discussion. What a load of juvinille nonsense.
  • I'm really not sure there's a defence against nuclear weapons..i really don't buy this idea.. and I'm not even a Russian bot, I'm a geezer from Yorkshire...