Top 10 Greatest War Movies of All Time

Publicado 2016-10-10
Top 10 All Time War Movies

The most powerful war films ever put on the silver screen. WatchMojo ranks the top 10 movies of all time to tell the story of warfare. So which stands above the rest? Francis Ford Coppola's "Apocalypse Now", Steven Spielberg's Spielberg's "Saving Private Ryan", or could an underdog like Ridley Scott's "Black Hawk Down" take the top spot? Watch to find out.

01:04 #10. “Platoon” (1986)
02:16 #9. “A Bridge Too Far” (1977)
03:15 #8. “The Bridge on the River Kwai” (1957)
04:31 #7. “All Quiet on the Western Front” (1930)
05:43 #6. “The Hurt Locker” (2008)
06:35 #5. “The Great Escape” (1963)
07:46 #4. “Das Boot” (1981)
08:52 #3, #2, #1 ???

To see our other rankings of war films by war, check out our other videos here:
World War I:
World War II:

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @andrewreegs6319
    I am 100% honest when I say I haven't watched this, but I already know #1 will probably be Saving Private Ryan.
  • @Ablequerq
    When will people stop pretending that Hurt Locker is a good movie?
  • I am kinda surprised Come and See isn’t on this list. It’s a truly brutal, gritty, realistic depiction of war. A definite must see.
  • Paths of glory is a masterpiece that needs far more views...Stanley Kubrick was an undisputed genius. Everything he touched turned into gold. The thing that made him so special was that while watching his movies for the first time, they may seem to be tedious at some points, but while watching them for the second time, so many details emerge...
  • @beavis5691
    Full metal jacket is not even an honorable mention? Wtf
  • As a combat vet, I reject the notion that "The Hurt Locker" is a top 10 war movie. It's so full of unrealistic crap that it's barely a war movie at all.
  • @jackiepaper6464
    Apocalypse Now is to me by far the greatest war movie ever. Saving Private Ryan was great but it didn’t get into my head like Apocalypse Now did.
  • @visharadrawat977
    Black Hawk Down was something else. "It's about the men, who stand next to us."
  • @vEnnzzoo
    See Watchmojo, these are the kind of videos we like to see. Not that weird "Top 10 Milfs in Anime" bullshit.
  • @19eastwood
    Missing from the list: Longest day, we were soldiers. Tora Tora Tora just to name a few
  • @Noazzark
    Dunkirk and 1917 are very unique war films, and I know they aren't a movie but band of brothers are always top notch
  • @MrLolx2u
    You said it has to be a war movie where there is combat and yet you snuck movies like Bridge On The River Kwai and The Great Escape which had close to 0 combat on the list and yet threw Letters from Iwo Jima and Black Hawk Down as a honorable? Plus you mentioned Full Metal Jacket and that's it? Plus where's We Were Soldiers? At least if you want to talk about war movie, use something that's believable. You din't put Inglorious Bastards in because it's fictional and you think The Great Escape is true? You think the Japanese treated the British POWs well in Siam (Present-day Thailand)? No! How daft can you guys be!?!
  • @stevewhite9007
    Das Boot - one of my all-time favourite movies. You cam feel the stink and filth emanating from the crew. 99% shear boredom and !% absolute terror.
  • @bunnyhands
    We Were Soldiers is a ground breaking film based on historical fact. I put it right up there with Private Ryan. You also missed Greyhound. How did you miss Enemy at the Gates!
  • 13 Hours, Black Hawk Down, and Lone Survivor, Enemy at the Gates, We Were Soldiers all deserve to be on this list
  • Apparently, no one has seen "we were soldiers" a true story based on General Moore, during Vietnam. to me, that is the best movie about that period because its true and very well done.
  • @jrsands11
    What about “We Were Soldiers” the 2002 movie about the 1965 battle of la Drang, Vietnam.