[Strategy@Work] Roger Martin on The Need for a Scientific Revolution in Strategy Execution

Roger L. Martin - Strategy Advisor, Professor and Former Dean Rotman School of Management
delivers a talk on the need for a paradigm shift at the Strategy@Work Conference 2018.
He says that sometimes more effort toward a particular goal doesn’t generate better results as the assumptions behind a theory are never questioned. Instead, what is actually required is a scientific revolution, which addresses the goal and the underlying assumptions, in a dramatically different way. Such is the case with the challenge of strategy execution. It is time for a Kuhnian scientific revolution if we are to make significant progress.
In this talk, Roger L. Martin makes 3 main points:
The Organization is a Complex Adaptive System
Strategy and Execution are the same tasks
Projects are the Organizing Principle for work

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コメント (4)
  • No such thing as due course in science, paradigm shifts are unnecessarily delayed
  • @sbhatt2895
    I donot agree . Project based is terrible one . We are just resources . I am working in biggest indian I.T companies . I have seen terrible conditions . There is no way to solidify my career and become expert . The program manger improves profits and take all the credits . Team work hard and no time for training and solidify ones career. because project will spent least in future aspiration of employee. It is strange and shocking after 26 years of experience if I looked at past . How I suffered from depression and anxiety. Donot treat me an idiot . I end up studying Marx , adam smith , pickety etc to understand the phenomenon being and engineer. I never failed in any subjects , always competitive , save theproject by working extra hours when other team members are ill trained . Biggest retreat I could not become expert in any areas . No additional degrees in last 26 years I boast off . Now financial trouble and health issues . New laws must be there to stop exploitation and fulfil aspiration of team members . I once feel every company has should have corporate reposibity to give leave of 6 months after 5 years of service to fulfil one aspirations
  • He says the productivity in the factory has gone up while the productivity of white collar hasn't gone anywhere. Who do you think created the productivity in the factory? Maybe the engineers? Duh