An Alpha Tester's Thoughts On the State of Ashes of Creation Alpha 2

Will the highly anticipated Ashes of Creation Alpha 2 be delayed or will it make it's quarter three target? Find out the latest updates from a Phoenix Initiative member on the likelihood the alpha 2 date will be met, and also my opinion on Node Wars testing and the current state of the game. ‪@AshesofCreation‬

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コメント (21)
  • @LlewdLloyd
    I'm glad you were able to share your experience on the Node Wars! Can't wait to see you in A2!
  • thanks for the great info! The good and the Bad. oh and Stevens office in the background is great! lol
  • @HiYurd
    Good personal feedback on your experience with Node Wars.
  • @Pallywagz
    Hell yeah! Good to hear about the variations of Cleric.
  • Its great to hear that ppl didnt intuiti ly knew what their role was as a warrior. This is actually perfect and speaks volumes for their class design. It means the class can play different roles depending on how you skill, gear and play it. This is exactly what i want at launch. I mean ranger will always be ranged dd and cleric will always be healing but ppl shouldnt kniw their role on as amny classes as possible at launch. There could nothing more boring the the warrior being like a wow warrior and the rigue being like a wow rogue etc ppl already played that stuff and dont need it again. Its time for some evolved class design where a warrior can have different roles deoending on how you play him(and with different roles i dont mean tank dd healer but actually different roles like frontline. Protecting backline, executer aoe tool etc)
  • @andyh4747
    Glad you're open minded in pvp. Open world pvp is what brings the social aspect alive
  • @megamcee
    Ohhh, a separate video all on its own, cool!
  • What are your thoughts on the likely rate of Alpha 2 being released on time in Quarter 3 as announced?
  • @throow
    Thank you for this. Has it become isometric or is that just your camera setting? They weren't lying when they said it is old school, it even looks old
  • @RitchieSH
    Man... we have like... the exact same office
  • @baska-
    What I really wanna know is how long before Alpha 2 they will announce it, as I'd like to plan around it. I don't mind when it's gonna be, I just wanna know how long before it starts they'll announce it, hopefully at least 2 months in advance 🥰
  • @Behague
    I like playing this video on my phone and spamming the rewind "What-wot-wot"
  • @dmonkul
    Combat animations still need a lot of work and polish :/
  • @One-12937
    Seems like you the only one in the group pushing content out, maybe it’s time to branch out.
  • @Kurnazify
    Doesnt look anything like the screenshots from years ago. Looks like trash.