Hatching and raising ranchu goldfish fry

コメント (21)
  • @iWhimsie
    Your video are teaching me a LOT of things, specifically about the fish in cycle. I bought a fancy goldfish (a very beautiful black moor) on a whim from petsmart a few days ago, not knowing they CAN and WILL live long lives and grow quite large. The first night I watched and read at least 100 videos and articles. I was horrified that I had this beautiful fish in a ONE GALLON, so today I went and purchased a temporary 10 gallon tank and 20 gallon filter. I know this is still too small but I will be buying at least a 40-50 gallon in two or so weeks and all the other necassary items. Additionally, i noticed my fish now has ick (most likely from being put in a 1 gallon tank and brought home from a 5 gallon shared with 8 other fancies, on of which i now know was inFESTED with ick. I refuse to bring this fish back to petsmart after i returned today for a filter and there are now about 16 fancies in her previous tank, the ick infested fish still there. I bought Jungle Brand Ick Clear, i only treated her a couple hours ago but she does already look better (perhaps wishful thinking). She spends her time exploring her new tank, still eats, swims up when I come to the tank. So now, pen in hand, im reading about how to get my tank levels to an appropriate reading while doing a fish in cycle. My boyfriend is lending me his test kit to use, and I'm going to buy some plants for her new tank. If ANYONE has any tips for me until I can get her into a large tank on how to keep her alive and happy it would be so appreciated. Shes about 1 1/2" give or take without fins. If anyone could recommend products, affordable but sturdy aquariums, how to jumpstart everything to keep her going, that'd be amazing. I just want her to be happy but I dont know of anywhere to surrender her and it sure as hell wont be petsmart. Thanks. Wish me luck. Im obsessed with my moor.
  • @artdelac
    You deserve every imaginable credit for your hard work and your desire to even share information and your experiences with your fish, let alone with raising fry for the first time! I am amazed at how your Ranchu fry are turning out. It's so satisfying (well, at least for me, being a Ranchu addict) to see that the young fry are developing a nice curved spine (slope) and body shape, typically found in good quality Ranchus. Heartiest congrats to you and keep the positive vibes shining through. Your passion and energy along with your positivity, despite your hectic personal and family schedules, keep me inspired to keep going as well with my fish hobby (mainly of Oranda and Ranchu goldfish)
  • @sharjil24
    You grew them so well at such a quick pace, I now understand how to grow fry quicker thanks to your video! :)
  • @crimegeek
    So cute! Great job! One day I would love to do this as I love ranchu and betta but I need more space. Thanks for showing us how you did things :)
  • @pascal590
    So much info and enthusiasm! Thx for this vid!
  • You are a great person. Thank you for a wonderful video.
  • You've done really well with them, I struggle to get my fry to grow as well as yours!
  • Best video I’ve seen of raising goldfish fry 😍
    Wow you did a great job with these guys!
  • I would love to have one or two for my patio pond if you are going to rehome them. Please let me know! It is super exciting to see the fish you have raised!
  • They are so cute! I love goldfish and have 6 :)
  • @NasHackss
    breeding takes a lot of hardwork and patience. Kudos to your hardwork in raising them.
  • I had to come and join this channel. I see so many pic on Instagram. Your fry are so beautiful.