Chinese border guards in riot gear throw stones at Vietnamese construction workers! Why???

Publicado 2022-01-05
#PleaseSaveVN #SOSHCMC #SOSVietnam On January 3, Lee Ann Quann released a video on Twitter of a group of Chinese border guards armed with anti-riot weapons, shouting and throwing stones at Vietnamese construction workers at the Vietnam-China border. To prevent the construction of anti-erosion on the riverbank of Vietnam. Political analysts say this is a sign of China's ill-will! The incident happened in the Ha Giang province of Vietnam. It's not known exactly which district and at what time. In this place, China has built a barbed wire fence to separate the border. There were no soldiers on the Vietnamese side, but only a few workers carrying stones to be transported by trucks to build embankments to prevent erosion at the riverbank.

At this time, a Chinese border guard picked up a loudspeaker, pointed it in the direction of Vietnam, and said in Chinese: "You are the first to break the law! Both sides have not negotiated, so we propose to stop the construction! After negotiating, you can start construction again! You broke the law when you built the embankment!" After that, 8 Chinese border guards were shouting and trying their best to throw stones at the Vietnamese digging along the Vietnam-China border while 2 excavators are filling up the soil to build a border embankment!! Both sides built encroachment on the river, but the Chinese side built more solidly. On the Chinese side, then put up red background boards with yellow letters, with the content: "Ununified border area! No construction!"

In 2020, China has erected a series of solid barbed wire fences and installed security cameras along the border with many countries, including Vietnam and Myanmar. In February 2020, China built an airport for military helicopters and an air defense missile site, only about 20 km from the Vietnam border, in the territory of Guangxi province.

The Vietnamese side did not do anything to cause economic or security damage to China or try to encroach on the territory to the North, after signing the Central Border Agreement at the end of 1999! In September 2021, Vietnamese people and border guards uprooted the fence post at landmark 57 in Lai Chau province because they thought that China connected electricity to the fence! and another video not long ago recorded the scene of Vietnamese border guards demanding "handling" when Chinese soldiers built fences encroaching on the territory!

So what will happen to the relationship between the two countries when Chinese border guards acted like that with the Vietnamese side? While the leaders of Vietnam - China every time they meet, they say benevolent things, brothers like "Vietnam - China, mountains are associated with mountains, rivers are associated with rivers"; or Ho Chi Minh - Mao Zedong; open lips, cold teeth, ect.

The Vietnamese government does not take care of the people, does not give relief money and vaccine aided by the US to the Vietnamese people. Now they are suffering because of directives 16 and 16+ of the communist government, especially in HCMC.

All videos on my channel are selected, approved and allowed to be shared by RFA Vietnamese - a media channel for Vietnamese people. And my channel is completely written in English, so that the whole world can understand and approach the situation in Vietnam. Any reports about my channel are personal attacks and are deliberate attempts to block my appeal to help the people of Vietnam.

Please share this video and this incident to save the people of Vietnam. They are starving and miserable.


For more information about Vietnam's situation, visit my Twitter:
Kristina Nguyen (@KristAmagora)

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