This is How the Colosseum Looked in Roman Times


コメント (21)
  • That was truly impressive! Much better than any material I had in school (despite being italian and attending italian schools!). There is nothing more engaging than seeing a work like this inspired by passion, knowledge and curiosity.
  • The football stadiums are all imitations of the colosseum. Bread and circus!
  • I never realized that the Colosseum was built on the site of the Domus Aurea. How brilliant yet tragic!
  • There is also a great gladiator Arena in Verona Italy, where they do shows, such as Aida during the summer months. It's not quite as large as the Colosseum in Rome, but it's still a very large structure for Roman times. It is similar in shape, and appearance, just not as grand, but it is older than the Coloseum. It's a well preserved structure as well.
  • Manuel, you put such passion into your videos. It makes them extremely compelling and enjoyable to watch. In addition, your visuals and descriptions are superior which adds, so much, to their educational value. I, truly, appreciate you and your efforts. Thanks, once again, for making them in English.
  • Greco Roman architecture is the most beautiful thing on the planet.
  • Thank you Manuel for clearing my doubts about why they continued to use Greek columns despite not supporting the structure of the buildings, it was a question that I had for a long time and now I am impressed with the respect that the Romans had towards Greek aesthetics and beauty in general.
  • I'm very attached to history architecture such as this. It's amazing. I wish it wasnt so destroyed.. I hate seeing old building being destroyed/not repaired because they'll only get worse with time. I hope that some day I can visit
  • @alekm9446
    Best explanation I have ever seen of the background of this masterpiece of construction. Bravo!
  • What caught my eye was the statues facing outward and how many there were. Awe inspiring with a sense eeriness. And to think how long it took and talent, to construct all of those.
  • @wincav
    Great information. Thank you for doing the narrative in English.
  • Thank you!!!!! This was brilliant! I am an architect and I know what it takes to visualize a 3 dimensional building and what you just showed us is precious. Felt like I was in arena. Great renderings and great explanations. Keep it up man! This was clever and insane!!!
  • This is a great video. I especially enjoyed the drone-like approach to the interior of the Colosseum. It is the best visualization I have seen of the inside of that amazing structure. I do wish that creators would place landscaping into these videos to make the street and city scenes, more real. Obviously, the Romans loved and spent a lot of money on beautiful buildings and structures in their cities. So it only makes sense that they would have trees, bushes, flowers and other plants to add even more beauty.
  • One thing I noted when I was there was how steep the incline of the steps were, and also how big the steps were in comparison to other ancient sites I visited. You can get seriously winded walking up them if you're not pacing yourself, as they're much steeper than they look, and no, I'm not fat or out of shape, they're just steeper and more of an exertion than the slope of modern steps we're all used to.
  • @soc6253
    Love being European.... What a Heritage we have!!
  • I went to Rome to see the Coliseum with my parents in 1971, I was 13. Only my mother spoke fluent Italian. Someone told her that the police at that time were to have all homeless people sleep in the Coliseum at night, and be gone by the morning when tourists started to arrive. You can imagine there was a certain odor about the place, I can equate it to the NY subway system. My mother commented that she could still smell the lions.
  • This kid puts so much effort and info into his brief documentaries
  • Excellent presentation that focused more on the design and cultural aspects of Roman and Greek architecture~ Also, how influential the architecture blended to Roman society and was carried over throughout the centuries~Thank you for sharing your knowledge and passion with all that want to learn of our shared history!!