We Planted a MASSIVE Butterfly Garden! -- Cole & Jay Garden Tour Ep.1

With everything that has been going on in the world this year, we have had additional time on our hands and we have spent a lot of this free time working in and improving our butterfly gardens around our house! To say we have added on a few things would be an understatement, so today, we want to share what we have created in our garden spaces! We hope you enjoy this video and that it inspires you to start growing in some of your available spaces around your home! If you enjoy this video, please hit the LIKE button for us and consider SUBSCRIBING to our channel if you haven't done so already! Thank you so much for watching and we will see you on the next one!

コメント (21)
  • Jay is wearing the flower over her right ear , which means she is taken ... if she had worn it on the other side , there would be a huge traffic jam on the way to her house ...... aloha
  • Spending time together outside working on the garden and yard has been the new normal at my house this year. I live at 6000 feet and have 4 acres of prime Colorado landscaped yard and flowers. Growing plants and fruit trees with birds and bees dancing through them sure beats watching CNN and local news. There is beauty in so many things around us if we just get off the couch and go outside and do something with the time we all have. Love this kind of video showing your passion for the plants and animals. The smiles and laughter that you both have makes all of us smile too. ;-)
  • The apricot colored cone flower was extremely beautiful. All your flower gardens are very lovely.
  • WOW !! What an amazing garden .. You guy's have Mother Nature on speed dial...the volume of plants and color are crazy,, where do you find the time ?? ... Extra fun just to see the joy you get from it all......It's no wonder you have so much enthusiasm and always big smiles ,,, your lifestyle is animated ... in flowers ,, sunshine and butterflies........ What no Unicorns ??..
  • @magovenor
    As I listen to you sharing why you chose certain species of plant life, I’m reminded of a great statement. “Knowledge precedes action.”.
  • Your flowers are VERY nice! Plants feed off of sunlight, water and YOUR energy! I truly believe that!
  • @1rosalee
    Wow again!!! Busy bee's!!! Very beautiful and keep up the fun!
  • Your garden is beautiful but Jay is the pettiest thing in the garden Cole is the luckiest man in the world
  • We don't see how Jays heart could be any happier. Goodness. You two are living a dream.
  • And cole home grown tomatoes are completely different from store bought...best thing ever!!
  • Our yard is full and I mean of native plants and any flowering plant that will grow in Central Fl. Great to watch all the different types of butterflies that are attracted. Your garden looks beautiful.
  • Cole and Jay, - Well done, on your beautiful flower garden! 🙂 It is a labor of love with a purpose and meaning! Can try a ranking plant on border fences/overhead structure,- granadilla; Chayote marrow - sechium edule; etc! When the plants have died off, dig them into the ground as fertilizer for next season's crop. Add in used tea bags! Put earthworms in there, they will grow well. Just before you start planting for the next season, dig in with a garden fork to get worms for fishing (Using a spade will chop some worms!) You can take it further by planting outside your garden; example, with lillies on each side of your jetty, along the shore line; and in swampy areas! And fennel out in other areas for wildlife! 🙂
  • The bergemot (bee balm) is beautiful -- the wild ones in the Chicago area are more of a baby blue. I photograph a host of wildflowers -- black-eyed Susans, several different varieties of coneflower, butterfly milkweed, as well as common and swamp milkweeds -- and so many more! I am not a gardener, but my Mom was, and I learned a lot from her when I was a kid about the area's wildflowers. And we have sweet Joe-Pye weed, Eupatoriadelphus purpureus, around here, too! And we have a slightly different prairie blazingstar, Liatris pycnostachya, in Illinois. Awesome stuff and another great hobby for you two to enjoy together. Thanks as always for sharing your adventures. You both are a joy to watch. God bless and prosper you both!
  • @keny7797
    That is an Amazing Garden. Its easy to see the hard work that made it that way.Thanks for sharing so we can enjoy it too.
  • I’m envious of your green thumb skills. Jay the flowers in your hair was a very nice touch.