Ashura & Karbala: Differences between Shia & Sunni | Dr. Shabir Ally

Published 2013-11-08

All Comments (21)
  • @latrelld8187
    Imam Hussain (a.s) was not challenging the Calipha if Yazid. The Master of the youth of Paradise refused to give allegiance to such a human like Yazid and as a result they planned to get rid of the Imam.
  • @dimadib8973
    Imam Hussein did not just fight for shia Muslims. He fought for all of humanity. He fought for the injustice in our society. This is a man that needs to be recognized as that. Let’s no confine him to just one religion.
  • @abbash786110
    Interesting, respect to the Shias, next time there should also be a Shia scholar so we can get both points across. Hussain's sacrifices will never be forgotten until youm al qiyama.
  • @RealityVideosRV
    Umm Salamah has said: "al-Hussain entered on the Prophet (S), while I was sitting at the door, so I saw in the hand of the Prophet (S) something he turned over while (Hussain) sleeping on his stomach. I said: Oh messenger of Allah, I looked and saw you turning something over in your hand when the kid was sleeping on your stomach and your tears were pouring? He said: Gabriel came to me with the sand upon which he (Hussain) will be killed. And he informed me that my nation (umma) will kill him. al-Musannaf, al-Hafidh abu Bakr bin abi Shaibah, v. 12
  • @jawadbooley9930
    Nabi Muhammad SAW Imam Ali AS Bibi Fatima al Zahra AS Imam Hasan AS Imam Hussain AS Imam Ali Zaynulabideen AS Imam Muhammad al Baqir AS Imam Ja’far al Sadiq AS Imam Musa al Kadhim AS Imam Ali al Ridha AS Imam Muhammad al Jawad AS Imam Ali al Hadi AS Imam Hasan al Askari AS Imam Muhammad al Mahdi AS MAY ALLAH BLESS THE AHLULBAYT
  • @notout841
    The host has been really honest throughout. And this lady was trying to bring together sunni & Shias. Sister,I'm a Shia muslim & I pray for you! You are such a wonderful lady, very kind hearted! May Allah bless you!
  • From a non-Muslim looking outside the box, I can tell you that all of this Shia Sunni beef is really ridiculous. I don't see why it is of such extreme importance for Sunnis and Shias to follow successors of Muhammad. Both of you people should just follow the Quran and leave it at that. No wonder your people are in a state of confusion, you don't follow the teachings of your book. Doesn't the Quran teach to avoid sects? Yet that is exactly what you Muslims do. Not all, but many of you should be ashamed of yourselves.
  • @abuzarali2538
    We Shias mourn ashura every year so and other people don’t forget the tragedy that took place. If we dont mourn, people will forget just like they forgot the day of ghadir.
  • @blobbins17
    Why is Ashura unique/distinct? Because 30,000 Muslim soldiers stood with their swords seeking the blood of the beloved grandson of our last Prophet, Mohammed pbuh. They murdered him, massacred his family in the NAME OF ISLAM, and for the love of Allah swt. Imagine!! This ummah was in a great jahl (ignornance) for this calamity to happen. And this was only 50 years after the Prophet pbuh died. What on Earth happened for the ummah of Mohammed to turn against his own flesh and blood and shed the blood of innocents IN THE NAME OF ISLAM so soon? Where is this jahl and fitna from. Simple - they disobeyed the Prophets command to hold onto the TWO WEIGHTY THINGS (see hadith thaqalayn) - Hold onto the Holy Quran and MY AHLULBAYT after I die. The Ahlulbayt are the guardians of the Prophet's sunnah. But the ummah forgot the Prophet's will to them. They killed the ahlulbayt and did it in the name of Islam. Only by Hussain's killing did truth become distilled from the fitna and falsehood that had spread in the Muslim ummah.
  • @rammmin1
    Imam Hossein didn't move himself and his family with intention to be massacred, he answered request of kufa people, but when he realized they turned away from him he wanted to leave and go somewhere to be safe from yazid but they stopped him and closed his way out and asked him to his allegiance but he refused and said he will fight and the rest history.
  • No one is better SHIA or SUNNI , black or white, women or men in the sight of Allah but those who do ( Taqwa )_ Do good deeds and get rid of bad deeds ( haram )!!!!!!!!!!! Shia-Sunni don't hav any option rather than love,respect each others & live in harmony.!!
  • @justme._.7923
    Um... Mohamed was a very smart man and he chose his successor. He showed it in front of the whole world but everyone decides to ignore it and just chose the successor themselves.
  • 7:36 - Practices associated with remembering Imam Hussain's (as) martyrdom are indeed counted amongst sha'irAllah (signs of Allah). Millions of muslims today commemorate the suffering of Bibi Hajrah (ra) and Hazrat Ismail (as) thousands of years later by running between Safa-Marwa. Similarly, we remember the pain and suffering of the grandchildren of the Holy Prophet (s) through Muharram ceremonies and practices, including majaalis sermons, matam, and noha. “And whosoever honours the symbols of Allah (Sha’ir Allah) then it is truly from the piety of the heart.” (22 32).
  • @mhallo9277
    Shias don't fast on this fasting is a means of celebration, when we break our fasts. Considering the events of Karbala, anyone can see it's the wrong thing to do.
  • hwllo, i do not really know how run your programmes, but try to aslo bring in shia scholars to also espress their believe
  • @ZolfeLee-qg9rw
    No one on earth can compare them selves to imam hassan and hussain, never mind there status and piousness, as they are leaders of the youth of jannah.
  • @ateez3904
    This woman should really do her research. Shias do not fast on ashura. They are strictly against it!
  • @uplandman
    The Holy Prophet (saw as) said, "I leave behind 2 things if you leave one of the you will SURELY be lead astray. The are the book of Allah and my household, so hold fast to the both." This hadeeth in its various forms is recorded in the sunni sahi sitha, Bukhari, Abu Dauood, Thirmidi, ibn Majda and Musnad Ahmed bin Hambal BUT in none of the 6 sunni collections does it say Quraan and Sunnah. The sunni scholars always quote Quran and Sunnah from other traditions. This is because of their allegiance to the enemies of Ahlulbayt (the household (as)). This is also why they do not give importance to Hussein (the chief of the people of paradise) and his martyrdom in Kerbala. They even hide the prophetic sayings of Kerbala from their own books as if the Holy Prophet (saw as) did not know about Kerbala nor the plight of his children on that tragic event when his offspring were butchered, humiliated and imprisoned by so called Muslims. They have invented fabrications instead about the day of Ashura whe n they allege the world was created and will end, many messengers such a Ibrahim, Moses and Jesus (pbut) were born, when the read sea parted etc..etc.. Just to hide what sons of Hind and Abu Sufian did to avenge the victory of Muhammad (saw as). They would rather talk of the merits of accursed Abu Sufian, Hind, Mawiyya and yazeed than that off Hussein (as).