An Analysis of the History of Yazid b. Mu'awiyyah | Muharram | Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi

Published 2022-08-10

© EPIC Masjid
Reciter: Shaykh Sajjad Gul - Principal of EPIC Masjid Darul Quran Hifdz School

All Comments (21)
  • @e.k874
    if Yazeed didn’t order the killings of Prophets family than he did not punish his army for killing the family.. May Allahs Cruse be upon all those who harmed the prophets family and the ones who defend the killers / enablers of prophets family
  • I would never give my kids such a name as Yazeed. History speaks for itself. Not just a tragedy, but a crime.
  • @2244khan
    At 26:35 I cried. Zazak Allah, Shaykh for presenting a balanced analysis. However, if anyone ever supported, sympathised or empathised with Yazid, then that individual is ill-informed and can be confused or even be deluded. The Ahlul Bayt, the most beloved to the Prophet (SAW) can never be insulted or criticised.
  • Our religion is divine and our history is human . This is a huge statement deserves to be written a books
  • In the beginning it is said after Karbala massacre caravan in chain went to Yazid and granddaughter of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) gave the whole khutbah/speech in front of Yazeed and son of Imam Hussain (pbuh) gave the khutbah too. Please read those khutbahs. Not Theologian incident rather political. Well said Sir. My duty as a Muslim is to show the light of truth to my brothers and sisters without taking side of Shia or Sunni perspective. Here I believe it’s a theologian. Yazid has mentioned in his court today I have taken revenge for my forefathers. 1) Imam Hussain is the one who is the master of heaven and yet it is political. 2) That Imam Hussain to whom Prophet(pbuh) did not got off the Sajdah until Imam got out from Prophet’s back(pbuh). This act portrays the importance of imam Hussain. 3) that imam Hussain to whom prophet said he is part of me and I am part of him. A part of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) a master of Heaven was killed in humanely.yet it is historical event and not Islamic event 4) That Hussain (pbuh) upon his birth a prophecy came hadith narrated by Ummahatul moimineen Umm e Salama and more. This Hadith states that Angel Jibraeel came and told the death of Imam Hussain (pbuh) to prophet (pbuh) and the Prophet (pbuh) cried upon hearing this. Yet it’s historical? 5) every muslim in every prayer have to send salaam to prophet and his progeny (example Durood e ibrahimi) yet it is historical and not Islamic. May Allah guide everyone and Allah knows the best. I tried to shower light so that every Muslim as it duty should ponder upon and know the truth.
  • Today in India when the killers and xapists of Muslims are released form prison and garlanded by politicians for the sake of votes, we blame the ruling party for the crimes of those killers and xapists. We blame them 100%. It would be disingenuous for us to give any less blame to yazid after he failed to punish the culprits and even left the main politician with his titles, power and pelf.
  • @fametexltd
    The commander in chief must take responsibility for everything occur in the battle field, whether he did command or not everything happened in the battle
  • @DiaryofaNomad
    “Our religion is Devine and our history is human” Ma Sha Allah very well put
  • @fatimaaman834
    Allah humma laan qatalatka, Allah humma laan zalamatka Allah humma laan samayat be zalika faraziyat beh. Ameen
  • @nadirkhan8540
    This shaykh talks about all the topics that no one else talks about. JazakAllahu khyr. May Allah reward you and bless you for discussing the topics
  • The way this lecture was structured was incredible! Masha- Allah. How fortunate are we, in the 21st century to be able to learn like this. May Allah bless Sheikh Yasir so we may continue to benefit from him. Aameen.
  • "Our religion is divine and our history is human". Excellent. Excellent. This statement puts the Fitna that happened in the first century of Hijra in its right perspective.
  • @nazkhan7141
    Mashallah sheikh dr qadhi so knowledgable and well read and always a great storyteller and super eloquent, مشاء الله
  • @badmephisto2
    Wasn’t it the demand of beyat from Yazid which started the event of Karbala? Wasn’t Ibn e Ziad acting on the behest of yazid? Did umar Ibn saad bin abi WAQAS act on his own in the battle of Karbala? Mr Yasir can you refute these facts?
  • @thecanaanite
    I always learn alot from Dr. Qadhi, every lecture i watch i find new info on islam that helps me
  • @bellah09
    This is going to be interesting....cant wait 😊
  • Deep knowledge is what this man has !! May Allah continue blessing him and his family 🙏
  • Forget exonerating Yazid, Muawiyya gets the blame too after his unilateral move of taking Sham from Ali bin abu Twalib Khilafa, this was the pivotal point of Division in the Umma. Lest we forget the battle of Siffin was the first major Fitna in this Umma. Muawiyya later handpicked his son to the throne despite his lack of knowledge & practice of Deen & thus setting the precedence of Father Son Dynasty or Tyranny in Muslim world hitherto. Sheikh Qadhi what's your take on this.