The War on Wheat - the fifth estate

​It's a multi-billion dollar battle for your belly. Millions of people are joining the anti-wheat revolution.

Kellogg's, the world's largest cereal maker, has seen its biggest drop in sales since the 1970s. Food companies are selling off their struggling bread divisions. It's all because best-selling health evangelists say that wheat is causing everything from fat bellies to schizophrenia. But do they have science on their side? Mark Kelley takes a hard look at what's driving a movement that is dramatically changing the way we eat.

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コメント (21)
  • I had major stomach issues for 28 years, which inadvertently affected other parts of my health. I saw Specialist after Specialist to no avail. I went gluten free, dairy free and sugar free and within 1 week I was cured. I wish Doctors told me this 28 years ago! I’m not saying this will work for everyone, but it most definitely worked for me.
  • It is quite simple. Stop eating it for a while and see how/if your body reacts.
  • There is no harm in trying to abstain from taking wheat, and see the results.... After all, you are responsible for your own health.
  • My depression, anxiety and vertigo went completely away with going grain and dairy free.
  • I did an experiment for 30 days cut out bread completely. My brain fog was gone and physically felt better. But I did this experiment long before there was a book on wheat . It works.
  • I am almost 72 - I stopped eating grains & sugar in Feb 2017, and what I thought was dementia disappeared, dizziness gone, years of insomnia gone, pains in my head gone, horrible depression gone and energy increased so that I go all day long.  I feel 10 years younger.  How can the naysayers explain what this did for me?  I had no expectation of these benefits!
  • @CB-zf2uq
    There is a thing called "non-celiac gluten/wheat sensitivity" which many people are not aware of. Gluten does cause inflammation in many people. Cutting off gluten altogether is absolutely a great thing to do for your health.
  • @solssun
    I know this goes against the findings in the documentary but my mental and physical state improved drastically when I cut out wheat and refined sugars. I recommend trying it for a week at least once in your life time
  • What this documentary doesn't reference is that glyphosate specifically binds to the gluten protein. This is described in plenty of scientific literature. A lot of the negative reactions to gluten are not caused by gluten per se, but by glyphosate.
  • So how much did the wheat industry pay you to produce this? I had very painful tendonitis in both of my shoulders for over 2 years. Nothing helped it. My range of motion was severely reduced and I had difficulty sleeping. I was skeptical about going grain free, but decided to give it a shot. I KID YOU NOT - 4 days later my pain was GONE. I woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, and realized that I could move my arms around with no pain!! I actually woke my husband up just to tell him, I was so overjoyed. 6 weeks later, the pain has not returned. Make of that what you will.
  • My son suffered from Asthma symptoms since 6mo. We were at the ER every other week, monthly visits to “asthma specialists” and of course no mention of gluten. Someone suggested I cut gluten from his diet for 3 months. I gave it a try and guess what? Not a single asthma crisis. Introduced gluten back and 3 days after a couple of innocent cookies and garlic bread he was wheezing. Tried that out a couple of times and every time he was wheezing after a couple of days. He is not celiac, but I am convinced the gluten causes his asthma symptoms to flare. I haven’t taken my son to any “specialists” in 3 years. That “allergy specialist” made fun of me when I suggested I was going to cut gluten. Guess he is sad he is not seeing out money any longer.
  • I for one can vouch for Dr. Davis! I am not celiac but am very sensitive to wheat! I feel horrible, exhausted and unable to sleep at night when I eat wheat/gluten.
  • My wife discovered that she is gluten intolerant (diagnosed by a physician). She cut the wheat and I went along for the ride. I guess I never knew how it was affecting me until I stopped eating it. Lost weight, feel a LOT better, more energy and better mental clarity (memory). There's definitely something to it. Since then, I've talked to a lot of people who have had similar experiences. I'm pretty skeptical, but this is pretty obvious. Also, you need to follow the money to understand the propaganda. Who has the money -- The wheat industry.
  • @beren1223
    My 10 year battle with palm eczema, cracked and bleeding, was finally healing after 72 hours on a wheat free diet and was completely healed within 30 days. It may not be the gluten but perhaps the glyphosate or other chemicals or additives. Another small patch of eczema on the back of my neck started oozing clear pus and itching within an hour of ordering seasoned french fries at a drive through. Sure enough, I check the ingredients in the seasoning = WHEAT! My body had been crying out to me for years and I just did not understand the language my cells were speaking. I lost 20 pounds in 2 months even though I was consuming more calories than ever, trying to compensate for the calories I knew I was giving up.
  • Dropping the wheat may be 1/2 of the cause of the positive effects. The other 1/2 may be caused by the substitution of higher quality foods.
  • My aunt in Europe use to ask us to bring flour from Canada when ever we visited because she said it stretched better. We never understood this until my wife was diagnosed with celiac disease and we learned more about gluten. Then we started to have people who came to Canada saying they were having gut problems when they ate flour in Canada, but not back in their home countries. I hardly ever eat flour products because of my wife, but when I do I feel like I have less energy. I personally do not have to watch my diet and I have never read the hype or book. But I do feel the difference long before this guy ever existed.
  • I cut down on bread, and other grain and grain products and I lost 10 kgs of extra weight. My BP normalised and my sleeping disorder disappeared.
  • @evji1089
    Everyone who is serious about this should look at the evidence available and then draw their own conclusions. My friend recommended going off wheat so I tried it for four months. The drop in inflammation in my joints was dramatic, but it took that long. I wasn't even doing it for that reason, I was doing it because I wanted to lose weight. I don't know if it helped for the weight loss, but the sharp drop in joint inflammation was enough to make me swear off wheat forever. I personally don't give a rats banana what other people think about it, I did it for my own health and happiness.
  • I was a bread salesman in the 60s and bread then had to be removed from stores in 3 days but now it is dated good for 2 weeks. What did they put in it? That concerns me!
  • I did the Carnivore Diet eating only meat for 3 months. It blew my mind! Never though this feeling was even possible! Then I tried eating bread and Boom! Fatigue hit like a brick!