Suspect still at large in attack of jogger on Akron Towpath Trail

Published 2024-07-17
Akron police are searching for a suspect accused of attacking a woman jogging along the Towpath Trail near the West Bartges trailhead.

Police say another person on the trail intervened and saved the victim, but the attacker is still at large.

The attack happened June 28 at around 8:30 p.m. According to APD, the woman was attacked from behind while she was jogging and taken to the ground.

Police say a different man watched it happen and scared the attacker away. The victim was taken to the hospital for her injuries, but police say she is physically OK.

Annabelle Childers reports:…

All Comments (4)
  • The tow Path Trail suspect probably "stays" in Channelwood Apartments near there. By "stays" means not necessarily on a lease, an illegal guest in someone's HUD, SSI, and SNAP benefits subsidized apartments.
  • :face-green-smiling::face-green-smiling::face-green-smiling::face-green-smiling::face-green-smiling::body-blue-raised-arms::body-blue-raised-arms::body-blue-raised-arms::body-blue-raised-arms::body-blue-raised-arms::body-blue-raised-arms::body-blue-raised-arms::body-blue-raised-arms::body-blue-raised-arms:
  • @IvanaChavarin
    Je suis reconnaissant d'avoir l'opportunité d'apprendre auprès d'une communauté aussi diversifiée et intellectuellement stimulante.😚