少女-ロリヰタ-23区 lolita23q comment

Publicado 2007-11-18
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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @NONOLolita
    Ryosuke and Yuki seriously love each other. srsly.
  • @sango1003
    this is so cool xD look closer at 3:09 ^____^ probably 1 of Yuki's reason..... listen to him.
  • @PunkaholicXlurber
    sou looks as if hes sleeping.but ban is the total opp. of him during this comment.lol.their all so damn cute!
  • @Xcore3
    Yuuki's the guitarist ^^
  • @ScarOfSorrows
    they are like soooooo kawaiiii!!!! HEHEHEHEHEHEEHE
  • @sugoi14
    I love how they just keep going on like there isn't someone smashed between the wall and window. actually i like how the video STARTS and they just keep going on like there isn't anyone smashed between the wall and window xD
  • @Kyuka
    Yuki is always so quiet~ XD
  • @kayoanno
    did Ban...get..stuck between the wall and the window?? xDD;;;
  • @ShooGou
    the most left one? He's Yu-ki.