So What Is Now Canon in Fallout?

Published 2024-06-10
The content of Fallout is an ever changing beast. With each new game (and now season of the TV Show), the lore of the story adapts. But with so many titles added to the series, what is now considered "Canon" in the Fallout series?

00:00 Definitely Canon - Main Games & Fallout TV Show
02:32 Kinda Canon - Books
07:07 Definitely Not Canon - FO: BOS, FO: Tactics, Fallout Shelter
08:53 Maybe Canon - Fallout Shelter Online
10:35 Canon Adjacent - Atomic Shop & Creation Club
13:53 Is Canon Important?

All Comments (21)
  • Everything I like is canon, and everything I dislike isn't canon. Simple as that mate.
  • @kpgames7288
    I've always looked at fallout's lore as it's all canon to an extent, so things that might not be canon are more like myths and legends across the wasteland, so it could've happened or maybe not, it doesn't apply to every detail of the series, but I think it's a fun way to look at lore and speculate 😂
  • @rickrossome8801
    Additionally, Vault 0’s location (Cheyenne mountain) was marked in the map of Vaults in the TV show. So theres another part of Tactics that seems to’ve risen up to canonicity
  • Anything Emil says on twitter I will disregard, most all of the things he says probably isn't proofread and is something from his headcannon he decided to try to shove in there without consulting anybody. Good example of this, Nate the Rake.
  • @jeremysiegel10
    Canon is important because it sets the ground rules for the universe which is essential to the suspension of disbelief and adds flavor to the story. Without a consistent or good canon, anything goes and the suspension of disbelief disappears. When everything is possible, nothing matters anymore and there are no stakes, no tension, no story. This is why people get so caught up in what is or is not canon. It is vital to the story, period. By not respecting established canon and making up whatever they (Bethesda) want they not only show creative inability to operate within bounds but it is also disrespect to the old stories that the core fanbase has come to love That is why proper canon is important
  • @TheContrarian09
    Its very apparent they’re taking a “if its cool, add it or change it; and if its annoying or a hinderance, change it or ignore it,” approach. Makes the series more akin to indulging in junk food rather than a delicacy it use to be. Junk food’s not bad from time to time, but over consuming will eventually leave consumers hollow.
  • in regards to tactics, it had a card that directly references it in the MTG crossover. I know that doesn't necessarily make it 100% canon but it is definitely something to consider
  • @Dogman262
    What if the canon was the friends we made along the way?
  • What's canon? Fallout 1, 2, 3, 4 (minus billy), and New Vegas. Simple as.
  • @victorc8855
    I really wish Bethesda would've kept their atrocious writing confined to the East Coast instead of going out of their way to fuck with the established settlements/society/trade routes of the west
  • I reckon they won’t actually touch on the canon outcome of New Vegas judging by the end credits sequence of the final episode, something else happened after the game for the strip itself to become a war torn ruin, so the canon outcome may not even be relevant
  • @dante001ish
    When a franchise has so many creative minds involved either through direct or sub-contracted means there will always be a chance of someone's different take on what is canon or a blip that gets missed be it through miscommunication or whatever...I mean the TV show has more producers than mini nukes you can find in the Mojave.
  • @jiffypoo5029
    Minutemen ending makes the most sense as canon for Fallout 4. Maxson completely abandoning the east coast makes no sense. Kells and Maxson both see the Minutemen ending as a BOS Victory. Prydwyn can leave because Minutemen are led by a BOS Paladin meaning BOS isn't giving up territory.
  • It is weird though to have the fallout tv show be cannon to the games though. Personally it should have been its own thing in the same way the MCU is its own thing.
  • @stormtrooper4ut
    I think the Canon ending for new Vegas will be yes man but when he disappeared at the end it'll be Mr House's memory and personality taking control like a ghost in the machine
  • @parkouremaster
    Looking at show, i think New vegas will be independent canon or by default, taken by the bos, Bethesda tend to make the bos too op, look at how treated the settle side of California and all black isle products? shady sands blown to pieces, the NCR after being an army basically rogue soldiers while the bos in california were just like 3-4 bunkers are basically destroying the ncr, not surprised if they make the legion also got wiped out by the bos, bethesda just make canon whatever they feel like and what not, making all their stuff looks great while all stablished by black isle as non-existant.
  • @Truman5555
    Incorrect. Bethesda just released a full Fallout Collection on a Mini Nuke and Tactics is in it!