CULTURE SHOCK -- je suis en france! (French Study Abroad Vlog #11)

Published 2014-08-23
What were some of the things that I found were different between French and American culture? Well, step up, sit down, grab a croissant / coffee duo (oh là là), and let me tell you! /\/\/ read more below...

-- note from future me: I think, in some ways, I was a little naïve when I made this video, about differences in culture. I just wanted to make a video about things that I had been surprised about, but I think in many cases, I did not understand the entire picture. Please grant me grace.

-- side note: MANY APOLOGIES about the music choice. many, many, numerous apologies. I thought it was fine, but some people have been getting annoyed by it. I acknowledge this & will be mindful of such things in the future, but there is nothing I can do about it at this point. ALSO, apologies for the unsynced parts of the video, where the audio goes all wonky. wah.


My previous video on French Men & La Bise:    • FRENCH MEN & LA BISE -- je suis en fr...  

Blog post on the interesting & sometimes punny branding employed by Monoprix:…

Picture of gray rolly basket from this blog post:…

Study Abroad Playlist:


lullaby for twenty-somethings by cuddle formation, remixed by johnny_ripper
beekeeper by harvest soon, remixed by johnny_ripper

links for your creeping pleasure??

All Comments (21)
  • @swordevil7760
    J'ai tellement rigoler. J'ai jamais vue ca sous cette angle la :D
  • @Marie-sr4wm
    Ce que je n'aime pas trop avec les américains, c'est qu'en plus de n'avoir aucune culture générale sur les autres pays les entourant, ils sont choqués d'un rien. Comment tu peux être stressée d'aller faire les courses ? Je suis allée à Londres récemment, bhein tu t'adaptes à la culture et tu fais pas ta sainte nitouche à chaque coin de rue...
  • @ToStand2
    the "music" in the background is annoying
  • @voxxiash6707
    Elle est choqué parce que la caissière ne range pas ses courses mdr, j'ai l'impression de vivre dans un pays d'assisté mais là bas sa a l'air pire. (Sinon pour la bise j'ai bien rigolé)
  • @AlX6S
    It's crazy that american people think everybody in France is smoking... I'm french and i hate smoke too... Yes its sometimes easier to meet people when you smoke... You just have to go out , where all smokers are and ask for a fire, and bingo, you can begin a talk... But, personnaly i never smoked and i never felt like isolated...       Hmmm but you're right a lot of people smoke... That's sad and annoying... However, thanks to the policy against tobaco, prices are growing up, and more and more persons are quiting...  for the best...
  • @cidrebrut
    Voilà, tout les supermarchés Français sont des supérettes Monoprix... J'me sens mal, là.
  • @Exoclypse
    Les français qui commentent ont vraiment besoin de se calmer un peu.
  • @LaHire42RS
    On dirait un enfant qui découvre le monde des adultes ^^
  • @Vlamon
    Hello, I'm french and I want to correct some things. Firstable, grouping of people behind the entrance of a university is probably particular to your university, it's not something frequent. Then, smoke is very spread in university by young people but not much by adults. Be careful of generalities, for example I've never smoke and my life, my family too, a lot of my friends too... it's depend of socials middles and socials educations. The act of "faire la bise" is a french specificity but you are not forced to do, you easily can shaking hands. Moreover, the brand "Monoprix" is famous to sell expensive products, if you want to buy prolo product, it's better to go LIDL, Netto or Leclerc. To conclude, I don't think cases you present are really cultural shocks. Zyzz est un modèle pour nous.
  • @XImperatore
    Ah bon y'a une culture aux États-Unis ?  Je veux dire à part celle des burgers et des armes à feu.
  • @MalcolmMaya
    I'm sorry for all the French people complaining in the comments :/. I thought it was fun to see a perspective on how foreign can see my country so thanks for sharing :)
  • @alessio7883
    Ya juste les monoprix qui sont comme ça, et puis tu fais pas la bise a genre un inconnu sur un banc...
  • @IIJoyDivisionII
    The bags are not free since few years in supermarket.Before it was like majority of countries,it was free.They changed because of pollution,but im not sure
  • @Resosphere
    Oh my, what a cute and adorable Vlog ! I'm french, so there is my opinions about the various subjets you talked about : - Smoking : I thought it was a social thing in America too ? oo I'm surprised. - La bise : Don't worry, there are also french people who are inconfortable with the bise ! I only do the bise with people I really like and a little bit with friends of a friend, otherwise, I shake hand. It's surprising for a girl, because it's mostly a "man" thing but I don't care. I don't like doing the bise to people I don't really know so... When you talked about the supermarket and french not smiling... Ok I'm assume you are in Paris right ? ;b Parisians don't smile, for sure, but in the tiny city, or in the village, people smile too. Ok, maybe not as much as the american who always looks like really cheerful, but still ;) About the supermarket : I hate that moment when you have to bring your basket back, it's really uncomfortable in little supermarket, but well... There is no other choice right ?
  • @Azhucabomb
    The music overpowering! Turn it down please.
  • @neoDarkSquall
    Ha ha it must be so awkward to do the "bise" for non-French people! I can realize that now. But you don't want to do it "everytime", for example if you are meeting someone for a job interview, and even when you are hired, you should wait a few days before doing it with your co-workers, an maybe NEVER with your boss. But yeah, when meeting friends of your friends or things like that, it's the bise.
  • @aminadrs2300
    They don't smile much in paris but in other places they do don't worry =) it's because they are busy in Paris no time to smile unfortunately lol
  • @sd9193
    Auchan and Carrefour are WAY bigger than the biggest Walmart I have seen here They have everything from groceries like a lot of groceries to books, tires, clothes
  • @michimuya7204
    Thank you for sharing such a funny experience with us lol. I'll keep watching you're video!!!