Season 1 Episode 7 Preview | House of the Dragon (HBO)

New episodes premiere Sundays at 9 pm ET on HBO Max.

コメント (21)
  • If I were Alicent I would be f-king scary to have Larys "on my side". A guy that did that to his own family wouldn't think twice to discard her and her children more easily.
  • @GetLazery
    That first scene of Rhaenyra giving birth, all in one shot, was phenomenal. I was one who truly dreaded the leave of Milly and Emily, but Emma and Olivia indeed showed us why they were cast as the lead actresses.
  • The part where Rhaenyra says "Now they see you as you are" gave me epic spinal chills.
  • When you're watching a show that mostly consist of dialogues and you don't want it to end, then you know it's an epic show.
  • Laena told Daemon she knew she wasn’t the one he wanted but I think Daemon truly loved and respected her more than he was willing to let on. His actions proved that: He was willing to stay in Pentos away from Westeros content with Laena, his two daughters , his unborn child and his books. He didn’t seem to be annoyed with her outside of her desire to go back to Westeros.
  • @jlpad2301
    Laena Velaryon shouting Dracarys as a plead was so sad and powerful
  • Episode 6 is a masterpiece indeed. I love the idea of it, everyone in this episode doing everything to protect their children. Viseris is wishfully blind to his daughter sins; Alisent is paranoid and fearful for her children; Strong is doing an honourable thing because of his son and literally dies with him for his sins; Rhaenira defends her children and moves to the Dragonstone... And Larys Strong says to it all: children are weakness. And he is right. Everything is about them, this is a natural order of life. All of them had made mistakes in sake of their children. And the war will be started because of them. Because of love. I admire the way this episode crafted.
  • Honestly I was shocked by the child birth scene the most! The authenticity behind the whole experience….. the one small details in that whole scene was crazy. The after birth and her leaving trail of blood from just delivering her son.
  • @just42day
    Fuck! Laena Velaryon was absolutely fire and blood. She wanted to die as a dragonrider, and as much as it pains Vhagar, she still did it. It was an emotional epic scene😢🔥
  • Just watched ep 6. and 10 years later and Criston is still bitter💀😂
  • The birth scene shows the difference between each brother and their love and respect for their wives. They were both faced with the same decision, and while viserys choose his son over his wife, daemon said no to the doctor, and let laena choose her own faith.
  • I swear every episode just keeps getting better and better. Let this never end please.
  • @jking4973
    What a fantastic episode. I must say, although I was sad to see Milly and Emily go, I absolutely adore Emma and Olivia as Rhaenyra and Alicent!
  • Emma D’Arcy and Olivia Cooke owned their roles as Rhaenyra and Alicent. They will be magnificent for the rest of the season
  • @okaysxo
    The director, writers and everyone involved are doing their hardest to please the viewers and it’s working. What a great episode. True to its legacy. As sad as it was to see Harwin die, I am glad plot armour isn’t a thing. We got to know this man for one episode, fell in love and had him ripped from us in true GoT fashion. HoTD is going places.
  • 'Someone stole Vhagar'! Man, the scene, where Aemond is mocked by Aegon and his cousins about how he still has not bonded with any dragons yet, is so powerful because soon he'll be the rider of the largest dragon in Westeros. This scene is such a parallel portrayal of the chapter in the books where Maegor Targaryen was teased by Alyssa Velaryon about how even his niece, Rhaena Targaryen is riding the dragon, Dreamfyre now but he cannot. Maegor there answers shrewdly that there is only one dragon worth riding by him which later turns out to be the Black Dread, Balerion. Be careful when teasing a Targaryen about dragons!
  • Lyonel Strong is my 2nd favorite Hand of the King after Davos. Loyal, intelligent and had his King’s and the realm’s best interests at heart. His only downside it seems were his sons….
  • Man, this show is filled with quality material and performances. Even with the constant time jumps, we can still accompany the story so well. This last episode made me want to read the book again. Top tier television!
  • Great episode. Last scene with Larys and the queen was one of the best I'v ever watched. That horror in the queen eyes when she realizes she is in the presence of a monster.
  • Love that Rhaeneras line "Now they see you as who are!" Its gonna be epic of allies and enemies forming around..