Hypnosis, Legominisms, and the Re-patterning of Awareness in Sufi Stories

Published 2024-03-17
“It's like everyone tells a story about themselves inside their own head. Always. All the time. That story makes you what you are. We build ourselves out of that story.”
~ Patrick Rothfuss

This morning’s topic — “Hypnosis, Legominisms, and the Re-patterning of Awareness in Sufi Stories”

Many of us know, often from experience, that a good story can possess the power to change a person. This is an insight that goes back to the beginnings of humanity. The Sumerians called these powerful stories “me” and “nam-shub”; later, Gurdjieff called them “legominisms”.

Somewhere along the way, Sufis also grabbed this technology and ran with it, producing stories with subtle instructions embedded within them that can change the listener or reader. Indeed, the most famous of these are Rumi’s “Mathnavi” and Attar’s “Conference of the Birds”.

But, if this is the case, why doesn’t reading or hearing these stories have a transformational effect on everyone equally? Mr. Gurdjieff gives a hint, via his “Beelzebub's Tales”, that there is a requirement that is not often met.

These ideas, and more, are the topic of discussion this morning. So let’s take an hour or so to see what we can know about this fascinating subject.

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All Comments (9)
  • @Ashleii
    “Swinging kettlebells is just a metaphor for polishing your soul” Wow. Made me smile really! I wonder if all my years of teaching and swinging kettlebells was the catalyst for my transformation??!! And here I was thinking the outcome was just strong glutes and great flexibility 😅 Absolutely fabulous talk as usual. Thank you for sharing this work. May Allah swt put barakah in it Ameen
  • @Jazzgriot
    Legominism a new word for me dude. "Legominism, was a term created by Gurdjieff to mean “an intentional artifice transmitting important knowledge to future generations able to grasp its significance”. It explains a lot about a lot of stuff. I also found this: "In Beelzebub’s Tales, Gurdjieff presented the ancient world as a tragic story where human beings were incapable of retaining attempts “from above” to restore their understanding, of why the world existed and their purpose within it. Finally, those remaining humans who still understood something, decided to create legominisms: These would act to contain the forms of understanding within objects, dances, games, calendars, buildings, etc., or any cultural artifact which would contain a higher truth whilst serving an outer cultural value. Being valued, it would be used and reproduced, and remain in use until such a time as someone in the future might again understand the inner truth behind its design." I need to put this in my book LOL. 🤩
  • @MrNiceHk
    Curiousity session...love that
  • @trinidad3668
    Great new video. Can you say more about, "the process is science, the delivery is art?" The process is the law of seven, and the law of three, the art is the story telling?
  • @Sagehealth
    I would love counseling w either cohost. Lmk.thank you!
  • I'd be willing to bet that you are NOT an initiate of the first kind (old meaning) by virtue of a college degree and reading 'the books'. Look carefully at G's meaning, explanations etc not just when he mentions the word initiate but really the entire first series. But is an initiate who just starts to struggle with his own denying principal or after long time of real struggle then transforms his blood? This eliminates 99% of all humanity including you and I.