Today’s ASMR is GIANT ROASTED marshmallow mukbang.I tried to incorporate the old style of the videos that I used to make!
Over the fire pit I cooked some marshmallows to make smores, and just ate them as they are trying to get as much different types of marshmallows as I can! I tried some with chocolate syrup but it was little too sweet… Marshmallow is too sweetㅠ still they are so good…
This time I oriented more towards the sound as I record! I’m planning to continue to do this in the future as well!
Then I hope you enjoyed todays video as well!
Have a good sleep sweet dreams and have a nice day.

- I went back to university so that I can gradua. To commerce! There is a lot to talk about getting back into Uni… but I shall hold that until the next chatting video.
- So, for the first time in my life (ever) I been writing reports and I can’t seem to get my head out of it. I prefer if they were exams ㅠㅠ exams are way better.
- March is when Pingdwae and Salgu’s birthday is! Not long-ago I prepared birthday for them where I knitted a cape for them. I knitted on and off before but lately I got back into them and been working on it for a while now!
- Their hair band I’m using in the video is also the band I knitted my self! One day I shall try to knit a cardigan …
Thank you for reding my chit chat today as well! Good night everyone~-

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コメント (21)
  • @jannelark
    23:54 マシュマロにこいつらは最悪と言ってるのが面白いw
  • [timeline]_타임라인 2:56 마시멜로우 꼬치 4:06 얼음물 한 입 6:30 병아리 모양 마시멜로우 8:18 작은 아이스크림 모양 마시멜로우 9:29 바나나 모양 마시멜로우 10:59 얼음물 두 입 11:08 마시멜로우 12:09 캐릭터 마시멜로우(하양) 13:06 캐릭터 마시멜로우(노랑) 14:20 큰 아이스크림 모양 마시멜로우 16:47 마시멜로우 꼬치 19:26 , 20:36 얼음물 세 입, 네 입 21:12 병아리 모양 마시멜로우 22:47 얼음 물 다섯 입
  • @coral5438
    12:24~ ここの字幕耐えられなかったw「「まずいよ、何だよ。どうしたんだよ。」」
  • いろんな人が焼きマシュマロしてるから私もやろ!!って思ってやったら火が強すぎたのか炭になったし、割り箸に火が燃え移ってまじであせった 何が言いたいかってこんなに上手に焼けるソナちゃんはすごいってこと
  • 日本人いますか?! こんなに早く見れたの初めて😭相変わらず可愛くていい音😊
  • @keshinomi
  • @moonoom2
    マシュマロの咀嚼音やってる方少なくて、ソナちゃんにやってもらいたかったから本当に嬉しいです😭 シュワシュワいい音⸜❤︎⸝‍
  • @_5_mii_
    3:37~ チョコつけすぎちゃった…… やべぇコレどうしようってなってるのめちゃくちゃ可愛い🥰🥰
  • @rii_152
  • OMG these sounds . Feeling all the tingles □□□□□□□□□□□:_suna핑돼등장::_suna핑돼등장:
  • @yujin9869
    食べてるASMRの動画久しぶりの投稿で嬉しい🥰🥰 マシュマロの音すごく好きなので幸せです💕
  • ソナちゃんが美味しいもの食べた時なんか目開いてニコってするのかわいい 心なしか目がキラキラしてるし
  • 선아님이 대학교에 들어가셨다니!! 정말 빅뉴스네요ㅇㅁㅇ 워낙 이쁘셔서 다들 20대 신입생으로 보는거 아닌가 싶어요😚 그리고 직접 만드신 곱창끈도 너무 이뻐요! 나중에 이벤트라두 해주실 생각 없으신 가요 ㅠㅠ 넘 갖구 싶어졌어요😢 마지막으로 오늘도 소리들 잘 듣고 갑니다♥
  • こんなに早く見れたの初めてʚ̴̶̷̆ ̯ʚ̴̶̷̆ 癒しをありがとう
  • @okami__
  • 焼きマシュマロの音めっちゃ良い 3:40 可愛いw 12:04 え?何?真似してるの?可愛すぎるやろ🥺