[Vinesauce] Joel - Joel Meets The Alien


コメント (21)
  • The two incidents were completely unrelated. Joey just refused to sleep so he met the insomnia demon at the same time as the zero-grav event.
  • "That was no sleep delusion" The sleep delusion in question:
  • 🧿🧿 "jonal did you wipe you asshol?" - Alien probably
  • Man that is like the perfect jump scare. No noise. No jolt. It just appears suddenly.
  • At 0:07 you can see the insomnia demon staring at joel above the machine doohicky.
  • The timing couldn´t have been better, the way joel looked up while calming himself down, only to be forced to see the unholy gourmetfuck unfold in front of him a second later
  • What this clip is missing is Joel genuinely being out of breath after this occurred. Like he got super close to passing out live on stream
  • @tomman222
    This fucked up Joel for a solid 10 minutes. He honestly wasnt the same that night, after this.
  • I love his "I'm sorry" at 1:18 is like a little kid who walked in on something he shouldn't have seen.
  • The way Joel calms down just to get attacked by the sleep demon is fucking perfect.
  • 2:00 I like to imagine Joel just dies in the Family Guy death pose the moment his audio cuts off.
  • @DarkButz
    At around 10% stamina you can start seeing the sleep deprivation demon. After you reach 0% and some time passes, it starts to stalk you and then puts you in the nightmare zone.
  • @en4135
    "That was no sleep delusion" Is immediately thrown into sleep delusion
  • Joel's ancient caveman genes kicked in at the end there out of sheer self preservation.
  • It's funny to see Joel talk about how it was God's plan that he stayed inside during the whole ordeal and then God's worst case scenario happened.
  • This clip cut out right before Joel began to breathe into the mic so heavy you’d think he just outran Usain Bolt
  • Poor Joel. Insomnia demon is all "buddy you gotta calm down, take a nap!" and Joel is just in the fear dimension