The Dervish and The Dao

Published 2024-02-18
“The Perfect Man uses his mind like a mirror – going after nothing, welcoming nothing, responding but not storing."
~ Zhuangzi

Tonight’s topic — “The Dervish and the Dao”

For hundreds of years, knowledge traveled along the Silk Roads alongside vast amounts of goods. This knowledge informed the practice of all those seekers of wisdom who were open to it.

This evening, our talk revolves around a Sufi dervish who was sent eastward from his home in Bukhara to China, in order to acquire a certain very rare herb for his teacher.

During this journey of several months, the dervish happens to encounter a raucous Daoist monk, and therein lies a great story for us to share.

Let’s take an hour or so to see what we might learn from this tale and how we might apply it to our lives.

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All Comments (12)
  • @gcmgcm4238
    Grateful for sharing heart held accoutrements long buried by ... in charge.
  • @nalanderebej4991
    Some years ago I remember having this strong impession of Suf-ism and Dao-ism being somehow very closely you put it in words making it much clearer to me, thx again. But certainly, my struggle disscovering the Essence is all the same, no matter how I name it...only that right words said at the right time have big impact.
  • @nightmajic
    I was reading Saadi recently, I believe it was the Rose Garden, where he wrote something along the lines "the tradition you follow is simply the clothes you wear to your appointment with Allah, but in the end, everyone must disrobe before their creator."
  • @janeeni
    🌟🌟🌟 So enjoyable! 🙏 intriguing slow spacious insightful ....humbly brilliant! Thankyou 🌟🌟🌟
  • @Mondgeist7777
    I had another thought. Actually a recall from my life. Many years ago , whilst working in Midtown Manhattan. On this one particular day I took my lunch, going to the NYC public Library . On that day the museum part of the library was hosting a magnificent display of Jack Kerouac ‘s life, with his actual artifacts. To my surprise my Sufi Sheikha was there with her husband also visiting the exhibition. This made me very happy, and we walked and talked about the various connections of the Beats and spiritual traditions. We stopped to look in awe at the original On the Road draft, typed out on a butcher paper roll! The glass case was so long that it did indeed take on the role as a scripture. My lunch period had soon come to an end, and I return back to my job in the dunya.
  • @jumpingship3001
    Following the two on their journey my quest was to learn how the root was prepared, what herbs were added. Since I didn't find my original goal it turned into a trip of serendipity that the secondary things I learned were just as valuable to me.
  • @Mondgeist7777
    I, ashk this subject! There are a few books available about Taoism/ Sufism connections, or at the very lest a comparative view of both philosophy’s. One book, “The Black Pearl” written by Henry Bayman, is such a text. Perhaps we will one day meet Ibn - Wei Wu Wei? Thank you for this …
  • @gcmgcm4238
    While trying to donate--Pay pal found problems...hope you can source the nuance blocking friends to share change from under the cushion.
  • @vivx-p2n
    CAN YOU DO SOME RESEARCH ON MYSTICISM ON SOUNDS, deeper knowledge on sounds or living words.. In islamic quran is mentioned the 99 attributes and qualities of GOD, some called it Names, some called it attributes and qualities, so which is which??? Then they have the 100TH NAME that is unspoken and unwritten...but deeper knowledge on this they does not have in their quran... this actually are deep knowledge on Sounds or what jesus mentioned the living words... To my point of view, if real defination of Name already given in the 100th NAME, that means the 99 are not NAMES, they are attributes n qualities of GOD ONLY.. MIND understand God tru attributes n qualities of God.. But SOUL only understand GOD tru Sounds... Can you do some research on Mysticism on Sounds, and to do a deep research on the 100th NAME that is mentioned in quran, that is unspoken and unwritten